Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dimensions Of A Shotput Circle

. T he new approach to cooperation and the role of alliances (FHB-5)

Pedro Miguel da Costa e Silva (Minister Counsellor. Embassy Brazil in Spain)
Its policy follows the following principles in action from the countries, countries receiving assistance are involved from the beginning. Brazil has received the cooperation of many countries now want to transfer their experiences in Africa and other South American countries. Spain's substantial cooperation in areas of water resources and reforestation.

Marta Herrero (DGPOLDE Planning Area. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation)
The Master Plan is a great importance of the private sector, public-private partnerships and sector strategy. On January 23, 2011 private companies involved in investments in developing countries.

Ricardo Lagos (Representante. Central American Parliament)
The Central American Parliament entrusted their countries to seek economic justice, social and environmental.
The economic and financial crisis should not be excuse to reduce funding in the field of development. There is an intention to eliminate negative alliances with countries like the U.S. and Canadian gold mining producing heavy pollution.

Cristina Montenegro.
Brazilian Cooperation National programs has been important as sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and in cooperation with all banks to raise funds and prevent climate change.

Sandro Martinez (Representative Itaipu Technological Park)
Park before producing only electricity. Now he has incorporated environmental sustainability, education, technology, tourism, information technology ... the foundation was created after the park. The PTI is tri join in this project: Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

Rodrigo Tarte (Chairman of the Board. Center Sustainable International Development)
The City of Knowledge is a foundation in collaboration with CIDES and CONAMA. The Panama Canal has been a cultural change where it has been able to experience the use of resources in a sustainable manner.

Pedro Domanickzky (CIH Coordinator. Knowledge Center I Taipu)
La Plata Basin is a cooperation of knowledge between: academia, governments, civil society, universities and original villages.

Francisco Menor (Director ACS)
Collaboration with the English Agency for Cooperation. Specific programs of action where specific areas needed for projects. Many are being made in South America.

Pablo Barrero (URBASER)
maintains collaboration with Brazil in many types of waste management projects as well as environmental education projects.

elBalad Alejandro Arias
Pereiro Virginia Rubio


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