is completed one year and begins a new one. We are more aware of the transience of time. Yesterday left behind forever, tomorrow will soon be another yesterday and do not know for sure if it will come to us. Only today and now it's all we really have.
remember when I was teaching at a school I noticed with some surprise that one of my former students at the primary had already passed seventh grade. Emerged spontaneously tell me:
- What a short time ago you were in First Grade! Remember that, at the time, told me that what I liked was run and run by the soccer fields fast?
With a look of surprise, he replied:
- Oops, professor, because for me to get Secondary end, it seemed an eternity! Commenting
physicians perception of the passing of time, hormonal changes each person is different from a child undergoing an older man.
I think we all remember that holiday when we were in kindergarten or early elementary years, in fact, we thought "eternal" and planned to do many things.
In contrast, over the decades, gradually we feel that time is running and moving faster.
remember what I told a friend who turned 70 years
"At first, you begin to feel that the weeks glide like butter knife on the soft, barely feel them! After notice that the seasonal changes come sooner than you expected and finally at my age, you have the impression that the decades are equivalent-time-to-one or two years.
Moreover, it is undeniable that looking at things objectively, clocks and chronometers accurately and precisely mark the passing of time. Given that reality is no room for mere subjective sensations.
Many poets and artists have been impacted this. Our Nobel Prize for Literature, Octavio Paz confessed in one of his poems which had impressed him "the time that devours the faces." The writer, Jorge Manrique, inspired by the Bible, commented, "Our lives are like rivers that flow to the sea." Similarly, the poet Rubén Darío wrote those famous lines: "Youth, divine treasure, you're going to not come back ...."
When humans find the elapse of time, without pause or respite, there are two types of reactions: first, be tragic, melancholy of time spent and conclude that death will come the total annihilation of the individual. The second, the Christian is to think that with each passing day we move one step closer to eternal life, to our final destination.
I have witnessed cases of people to have a misguided sense of its existence and death, fall in real neurosis, losing the ultimate meaning of their lives and filled with bitterness and gloom. And
case of many saints, through the history of the Church, who longed for his final encounter with the Lord. Now remember Paul, who with true love, he wrote: "My live is Christ." And considering he reflected that if God gave many years to continue preaching the Gospel, that filled him with joy. But he also said that if the Lord decided to take his presence, saw it as a profit and achieve a long awaited desire: to see face to face the face of Cristo en la Eternidad.
En lo personal, hay un par de frases de este Apóstol de los Gentiles, que siempre me han removido: “La caridad de Cristo nos urge” y “¡El tiempo es breve!”. Y éstas las escribía, no para asustarnos con el tema de la muerte, sino para movernos a los cristianos a saber aprovechar el tiempo que se nos escapa cotidianamente de las manos.
Pero aprovecharlo, ¿de qué modo? En primer lugar, cumpliendo responsablemente con los deberes del propio estado. Exprimiendo minuto a minuto ese horario de trabajo laboral, de tal forma que realicemos nuestros quehaceres con eficacia y perfección, dentro de nuestras naturales limitaciones.
En segundo lugar, dedicando el tiempo need for coexistence and necessary attention to the wife and family. The most important work may have a father or mother is adequately educate their children, because good examples and good virtues that are planted, are never forgotten.
Third is our interest in helping others, assisting with charity work or materials, or with our timely advice and guidance. When there is genuine interest in helping friends (about work or family life, for example), provided we can get a space on the agenda in the midst of our busy schedules. Without forgetting that the main help we can give a friend is closer God, so that you can also share in the eternal happiness of Heaven.
But it has a priority in our time, dedicated to treating God, to pray and to seek to have a daily conversation, trusting and intimate relationship with the Lord as a child talking to his Father and Friend (capitalized) and known to be listened to with great affection.
I find unforgettable memory of that lawyer, who was about 80 years after a brilliant career as a professional, decided to work for free, offering their services in the Diocese of the Archdiocese and also of giving legal advice, sought help many young couples who had difficulties friction and abrasion, for reconciliation and to avoid separation or divorce.
So he worked for many years. When asked how he was in his work as a reconciler between the spouses, I invariably reply: "I think
Mitra work in all the years God gives me life and health. Because I have the illusion to get to Heaven "good backpacks full of good works." This case
uplifting, I think at the end of this year we can, for example, to buy one of these specific purposes: this next year will try to use it better to try closer to God, to work more efficiently, to be a better parent, better husband, to do more work in the service of others, to study this specialty or expertise.
We can inspire, that phrase again he loved Pope John Paul II: "We can always take a 'plus', an addition, a further effort to improve and better ourselves as people."
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