Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ham And Bean Soup Calories

Photographic Exhibition "Vallecas bombed" at the Ateneo Vallekas Republican (1 through April 30)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hollywood Suite At Mgm

Saturday 16 April, 9th Paella

already being sold bonds this year in the Ateneo Vallekas Republican

Health & republic, Pedro

Saturday, March 26, 2011

4.2 Psa And Firm Prostate

One song changed my sense of Lent

Many years ago, I remember that once when he approached the Lenten season, my mother encouraged me to go to a Lenten talks to be organized at the parish. I wondered:
- Why do not you decide to attend?
As a typical rebellious teenager answered, "Because they
very boring and attend only "oldies." Better, I'll pass!
"But there are guys your age. Also going to go your own school mates. -Back to the load.
So, finally and reluctantly, decided to attend. To my surprise, when I arrived, the church was completely packed and mostly with young people. With difficulty I located a place in the last pew.
not expect that that priest was a great preacher. Immediately caught my attention because it had funny anecdotes and edifying, entertaining events and what "I won" was that he knew by heart some lyrics of my favorite songs.
I have recorded in the memory of those discussions revolved around the song "Shadows" of the then popular ranchera singer and tickets, Javier Solis. He said the tune: "Shadows nothing else, between your life and mine / shadows no more, from your love and my love."
And the priest pondered aloud
- Why sometimes we distance ourselves both from God and spend months and months and do not frequent? Why your life is reduced to shades and shadows in your dealings with the Lord when I could be if you were proposed, an ongoing dialogue of a child with his father, from friend to friend? That
meditation had on me the force of a bomb blast. " Because I did not expect that from that melody which I loved, the priest will take out a hitherto unsuspected spiritual benefit to me.
And I concluded to myself
"This priest is absolutely right. My relationship with God is cold, aloof, distant. Why not bring myself to change it? In addition, just help me decide, and that the Lord help me to achieve that closeness with him depends on me, in good part.
And indeed, my relationship with God has improved significantly thanks to these Lenten conversations, the one sympathetic preacher and my mother's insistence. Why
I say this? Because Lent leads to Easter celebration. And in the recent message from Pope Benedict XVI on this liturgical season, we recommend traditional practices such as fasting, almsgiving, prayer, meditate on the Passion of Christ and of course, spiritual exercises, also called retreats spiritual.
special way I liked the thought of Pope: "Supporting the deprivation of something-and not only superfluous, we learn to look away from our self, to discover anyone on our side and acknowledge God in faces of so many brothers. "
Without doubt, one of the most valued mortifications the Lord are those aimed at more and better serve our neighbor. That often begins with an inner personal change to overcome, for example, our temper, our impatience, smiling to those in need, listen closely to an older person whose conversation may not interest us much, bear with patience defects others, gladly anticipate the service-for example, in the material details that make life pleasant family home in the daily activity and so many things ...
sometimes think that to please God for the Lent focuses exclusively on making great penance or a deep prayer y elevada, cuando tantas veces los que conviven a nuestro lado (en la familia, en la oficina…) están esperando ese detalle de caridad y de servicio, quizá pequeño y ordinario, pero de antemano sabemos que ¡valoran tanto!
Recuerdo a un amigo que cuando le contaban un buen chiste, de inmediato lo anotaba. Le pregunté por qué tenía esa costumbre. Me respondió con prontitud:
-Muchas veces tengo que visitar a familiares y amigos enfermos, tristes o con algún padecimiento crónico. Me parece que la mejor forma de vivir la caridad es llevarles un rato de alegría, contándoles chistes divertidos y contagiarles de buen humor.
¿Habías pensado, amigo lector, que también la Lent is that dimension of bringing the joy of Christ to others?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

M's Works Doujinshis Shotacon

Lunfardo of Muses Resto Bar La Bella Mine in April

"Muses Lunfardo" was in the city of Santa Lucia in Canelones, the ultimo. Saturday, April 2 Resto Bar La Bella, their makers and the public present our thanks for their hospitality.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Make A Skate Park Out Of Books

Vallekas Republican neighborhood movement 40 years. Exhibition in Vallekas. Eating

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Milena Velba The Security

People, Sunday 20 at the Plaza Vieja at 13.00

The Assembly of the general strike has been called popular Sunday meal in the old square at 13.00, I spent
Sunday 20 March 13h. on Old Town Square (metro Vallekas Bridge).
against labor reform and cuts in pensions.
have the presence of other groups of workers in struggle, and with the performance of the brass band "The Reserve."
Come spend a holiday and vindicated.

Diagram Of A Dirt Bike

"Muses Lunfardo" be submitted to the city of Minas, in April. Later we will give more details of our new visit to the Interior.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Kind Of Bottles Can I Use For The Baby Alive

Times " spiritual schizophrenia "

know that both the Church and the State have their own spheres of action. The Church pursues the common good supernatural, salvation of souls, the State seeks the common good time, which is also not only spiritual and material.
Relations between church and state must be, logically connecting and collaboration on issues that matter for the purposes of both institutions, for example, in education, in the good of marriage and children, health in social and welfare work for the benefit of more needy, and so on.
However, there is an undeniable fact that throughout history has occurred in some schemes: the so-called extreme anti-clericalism and secularism.
What is? In trying to relegate God and the Church in the background of consciousness. In other words, seek to imprison God and all Christian expression to the limits of privacy and resent or are uncomfortable with the faith and Christian morality to public life transcend. Those who hold this position
anticlerical, is like saying:
"Believe in God and worship in the temple or at home, but I absolutely forbid you transmit your faith to others at work, to other families in your community etc.
With the sentence of Jesus Christ: "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God" set the autonomy of the Church of God and the legitimate autonomy of civil society has its regime and structure. And it warned of the harmful effects of the "Caesar" and of "clericalism".
But the distinction made by Christ is not in any way that religion is relegated to the temple, the dark corner of a sacristy, or that human affairs are conducted outside or in total divorce from any divine law and Christian .
latter could simply call it as "schizophrenia espiritual”. Y esto lo observamos en algunos funcionarios públicos que, por querer hacer “lo políticamente correcto” y quedar bien ante los medios de comunicación, traicionan a sus convicciones cristianas.
Y así sucede que en el ámbito personal o familiar, algunos dicen estar a favor de la vida del no nacido, de que el matrimonio es la unión de un hombre con una mujer para procrear hijos; se pronuncian contra las adicciones, la prostitución, etc.
Pero cuando se manifiestan en los foros públicos afirman, por ejemplo, que: “abortar es decisión de cada mujer”; “las uniones homosexuales son determinación de cada pareja”; “hay que ser tolerantes with respect to drug use and the work of sex workers, etc.
In some cases, these behaviors can be explained because there is an undercurrent of political ambitions in the immediate future and in other situations, because they think that these claims "are well with everyone" and at no time can be labeled as inflexible, intolerant, reactionaries.
All these behaviors inevitably lead to a relativist position (say, "everything depends on the approach to look at a fact"), denial of objective truth and universal, severe mental confusion between good and bad or evil and, above all, to lose sight of that to be Christian is to be consistent and compromise between what you believe and act everyday, whether in the home or temple, or in the public forum, at work, in politics or with a statement to the media.
believe that today more than ever needed in our country Christians committed to the truth, determination and strong convictions, without fear of "what people say," to witness to their faith with courage, in short, full-time Christian.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Planet Fitness A Good Place To Workout

Party support Naval Battle Carnival Vallekas

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bible Verse For A Church Anniversary

The sense of pain, why Rosa Cruz laughs? Masked emotional

Rosa Cruz is a domestic worker, 67. Belongs to Opus Dei, as tenured assistant, since I was young. He said that at all years of professional work in the kitchen and the daily household chores, has enjoyed a lot, first, because it says that your work has printed all their ingenuity and creativity, and then because it was a wonderful opportunity to serve Moreover, the family of the Work, and because he found God as a Christian in the midst of the world through everyday tasks, ordinary, made by love for God.
But an unexpected event happened to him: he had a very strong kidney infection, with difficulty physicians controlled it, but lost much of his arms and legs.
journalist Jesus Fonseca, a English journalist, interviewed in his popular program TV: "Words to Midnight" for over half an hour.
This communicator was astonished not to see the contagious joy, peace and happiness transmitting Rosa Cruz.
"Tell me, Rosa Cruz, how can you be so cheerful and good humor with this tragic disability? I simply could not stand it, I confess that I am a coward ...
She openly laughs and says, "Look
many years ago I gave my life entirely to God. If you asked me now my arms and legs, as I give them in perfect peace. This is another way to serve. I have still head and heart to love the Lord and souls. I know that with a smile I can do much good for others to get along with my situation.
The journalist was more brazen and in a fit of honesty he says
"If I would have passed this, I would have thrown out the window, I would not live like ... well
" Well, I'm extremely happy for the simple reason that God loves me as I am now. I know I'm doing and loving his will. My situation would not change it for anything in the world! Rosa Cruz
says what he has learned from the teachings of Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei, to sanctify any work, occupation or life circumstance, including pain, disease, suffering ... graceful
He adds:
- I am also of Salamanca and I like the bulls! But not only watch it off the ring and face any situation that one would touch it with courage. I never rebelled against having lost my arms and legs. If God wills it, then I love that love him! Previously, while working as a housekeeper, he enjoyed serving others, now I have to stop serving, which cost me a little more.
-Rosa Cruz, do not you feel bitter, upset against the world or has had any time he collapsed emotionally? He asks incredulously journalist.
"No, never is proud to serve God in this way and I do gladly, with a smile. I would say that to me all this I consider it very fortunate and am very happy as I am.
- And where does all that spiritual strength you have?
-De Jesus, was very supportive in the Eucharist.
- How do you see your future? "Concludes the communicator.
"Very hopeful because I know you pray for me all over the world and because well, doing well in this cross, I know that I give a great joy to the Lord. As I looked carefully
this video at, I must admit that this interview touched me deeply. Because I've seen many patients offer their disease please God until his death (and sometimes very painful), but never to this joy so boundless and contagious.
thought, by contrast, that in today's world very few want to hear about the meaning of pain, suffering or disease. It seems that multitudes of people are struggling, almost obsessively, to seek the continued enjoyment, pleasure in any way possible, at all costs, and: "Today, here and now."
is clear that in life there are many joys that we can enjoy healthy: good music, playing sports, a bit of time spent with family, a lively chat with friends, delicious food and refreshing drink ...
But , to which I mean is that when a person flees pathologically any signs of discomfort or pain (however small), or if it occurs unexpectedly a contradiction, does not know how to react, and falls into a particular hysteria. Why? Because he has not learned to give a deeper meaning to the illness or vexation. In the field
merely human, the pain makes a person mature, grow in strength and patience. In the spiritual aspect, there is an idea that I think that in a materialistic and consumer society as we live, should write in capitals or underline: since Jesus Christ died for us on the Cross and he opened his redeeming sacrifice doors Sky, the pain has gone from being a curse or a blessing from the tragedy to Heaven because of the way, if we also join the Cross, we contribute to that mission, to be redeemers. And is that God's logic is very different from the logic of many men.
At the end of the interview, the journalist read to Rosa Cruz thought the Indian poet Tagore who said something like: "I slept and dreamed that life was nothing but joy. And upon waking I realized that serving others was also a joy. " She responded promptly
- It's a great summary of what has been my life, thank God!

Power Wheels Dune Buggie

Some cases of homosexuality

Hace algún tiempo tuve una larga conversación con un Psiquiatra que atiende a sus pacientes, desde hace algunos años, en una conocida clínica de rehabilitación contra las adicciones en la Ciudad de México.
Hubo dos asuntos que comentó y me llamaron poderosamente la atención. El primero, se refiere a la moderna droga de mezclar bebidas energetizantes con alcohol. Me decía que a su consultorio acudían muchos adolescentes que a las primeras ingestas de esta combinación, les producía dependencia y, después, ya no podían salir de su situación y sus padres los llevaban a esta clínica para que fueran desintoxicados. Sufrían various changes in their behavior, such as anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, tachycardia, anxiety, fear, insecurity.
"I'm surprised," he says that the Ministry of Health and Human Services has not raised their voices in warning against this new drug that is spreading rapidly because it is close at hand and can be purchased at any retailer. "
The second issue is explained to me that it found that behind many people addicted to alcohol and drugs, masking numerous cases of homosexuality.
But these truths, "he said, did not go in the first sessions of psychotherapy, but had to make an arduous effort to that the patient will have enough confidence and be fully honest.
"What happens to these people who have sex with men-holding-is that they know perfectly well that they are not doing well. Then begin to suffer emotional distress (unhappiness, pessimism, sadness, wishes to commit suicide, etc.) And "escape hatch" is usually alcohol and drugs. "
"Even some patients with obsessive nightmares in which the same voice of his conscience reproached her attitude and that will produce a huge moral suffering."
is no doubt that everyone has a great dignity and, therefore, must be respected. Particularly those with trends instinctive homosexuals should be understood, treated with compassion and sensitivity. In no way can they discriminate unfairly.
This is the Catechism of the Catholic Church in its numbers from 2357 to 2359. The Church as Mother and Teacher, invites them to live chastely and to cultivate the virtues of self-control, be strengthened by the practice of the sacraments and by prayer life.
In short, through the closeness or union with God, humbly asking for help, managed to live that chastity because, undoubtedly, friendship with Jesus Christ is the source grace, comfort and spiritual strength.
Now, what the Church and the Popes condemned, and always unanimously, homosexual relationships are as they go against human nature, there can be no procreative purpose and are intrinsically disordered.
Pope Benedict XVI, in a recent interview he did with the German journalist Peter Seewald, published in a book entitled: "Light of the World," clearly states:
"One thing is that (homosexuals) are people with their problems and joys, as human beings, even taking itself so inclined, deserve respect and should not be postponed for that reason. Respect for the human being is totally fundamental and decisive.
"But at the same time, another thing is the sense which they have been given to sexuality. If one wants to express in this way, one could say that evolution has given rise to sexual reproduction of the species. This is also true from a theological perspective. The meaning of sexuality is to bring man and woman toward each other and thereby give humanity offspring, children, future. It is an internal determination that is in its essence.
"Everything else goes against the inner sense of sexuality. We have to support this even if you like at the time. "
He concludes that homosexuality "is still something that is against the essence of what God originally wanted" (Editorial Herder, 2010, pages 160-161).
But sexuality is a human component good, holy and noble, if exercised in order.
What the Church has always blessed and encouraged the conjugal love of man and woman in marriage. This physical intimacy is a sign and guarantee of spiritual communion. Also, is not confined to the purely biological, but concerns the innermost being of the person as such. The living fruit of that love between husband and wife are children, an inexhaustible source of joy and gratitude.
Therefore, the vision of the Church on the subject of human sexuality is eminently positive, constructive and, while on the way to fullness of life Christian.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cute Sister Quotes For Picnik

Ameristar Landmark Buffet Bogo

What are the warning young people about cyber revolution? Your image abroad

There is a character in my novel WINNERS (co-authored with Dr. Ernesto Bolio), called "Tachito" of about 13, who is addicted to video games and the Internet.
less than that compulsive addiction, at night, asked his mom cola two-liter, eating junk food, and spent his time spent navigating sleep in cyberspace, chatting, visiting websites, going to the Facebook and Twitter. Both came
A dependence, which does not leave his computer, do not go to the bathroom to urinate but did so in the empty containers of cola.
course did their homework and school performance dropped noticeably. It had become very unsociable, had almost no friends, did not practice any sport and, moreover, was very rebellious to their parents.
"Tachito" then fond of the "studs" becomes narcomenudista and is put in serious economic problems with those who dispensed drugs.
An important issue raised in the chapter of this novel, published by Panorama Editorial, is where was the parental authority? "Tachito" was the typical spoiled child who will buy whatever new game was released. Naively their parents was thought that if most of the day, got into his room and his computer, would be left in peace, because that was what he liked and apparently did not hurt anyone.
It is clear in the novel that his parents lacked the strength to demand a preteen order and limit the number of hours spent on their games and make it clear that his first duty was to take out their responsibility as a student, make see the importance of family life, attempting to have good friends, playing sports, eating healthy food, caring for the time spent sleeping, etc.
I recently read a medical expert in this field, that when a child spends hours and hours to video games, your brain generates a large amount of serotonin, which produces an intense pleasure, and when you are invited preteen, for example, to visit his grandmother, or have a family meeting with his uncles and cousins \u200b\u200b... Because I experienced that level of pleasure as high, automatically reject such invitations or go to force.
Moreover, psychologists say that on Facebook there is a marked tendency to assert his own personality as a product of insecurity and low self-esteem. Designed to manufacture a fictitious image that they usually lead to complacency.
psychologists presume that everyone wants to be recognized for something in the virtual community and some or some young people come to upload photos or videos exhibitionism inappropriate naturally on the backs of their parents.
Pope Benedict XVI in his "Message for World Day of Social Communications talks about this important issue. Start commenting on how wonderful it has been the cyber revolution that is changing the communication itself and that is the great opportunity to network, build bonds of fellowship and true friendship.
But he warns of the dangers it entails: "seek refuge in a kind of parallel world, or excessive exposure to the virtual world" (...) or "artificially build own 'profile' public. "
also adds: "We will especially be aware that the value of truth we wish to share is not based on 'popularity' or the amount of attention that causes." Thus Benedict XVI insists that we must convey the truth in its integrity and honesty without falling into the temptation to rebut.
And that friendship should be deep and enduring, based on reality and not a lie. It is a friend of someone in the extent that they share the same ideals and dreams. No friendship can be reduced to a mere "object of consumption" or being "orchestrated" for the purpose of seeking other purpose than the good of their own friend.
Many cases we read in the newspapers of adolescents who are involved in prostitution or trafficking, or girls who become "brides" of a professional seducer, who lives in a distant country, that all he wanted was the economic benefit that true love, starting with Facebook and chat or pretending some biographical characteristics very different from reality!
to parents, teachers and family counselors will correspond with the delicate task of guiding it to their children or students on the proper use of these modern communication tools cybernetics. There are institutions like
FOR THE BEST in which dads give courses on how to learn to use Facebook, Twitter, chat, etc.. so that instead of "shrug" and simply say: "I'm already another generation. A do not understand it, it is recommended that parents become more involved attempting to find out what their children watch, who your friends through Facebook, which tend to frequent portals, etc. to provide appropriate assistance, on time and in anticipation of possible future events.
In this sense, I think it is better to anticipate one or two years, knowing advise children with opportunities and ways to a good standard, before it happens what happened to him the character of my novel "Tachito", where the teenager became, in a very short time, unsociable, drug addict and criminal.