Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Kind Of Bottles Can I Use For The Baby Alive

Times " spiritual schizophrenia "

know that both the Church and the State have their own spheres of action. The Church pursues the common good supernatural, salvation of souls, the State seeks the common good time, which is also not only spiritual and material.
Relations between church and state must be, logically connecting and collaboration on issues that matter for the purposes of both institutions, for example, in education, in the good of marriage and children, health in social and welfare work for the benefit of more needy, and so on.
However, there is an undeniable fact that throughout history has occurred in some schemes: the so-called extreme anti-clericalism and secularism.
What is? In trying to relegate God and the Church in the background of consciousness. In other words, seek to imprison God and all Christian expression to the limits of privacy and resent or are uncomfortable with the faith and Christian morality to public life transcend. Those who hold this position
anticlerical, is like saying:
"Believe in God and worship in the temple or at home, but I absolutely forbid you transmit your faith to others at work, to other families in your community etc.
With the sentence of Jesus Christ: "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God" set the autonomy of the Church of God and the legitimate autonomy of civil society has its regime and structure. And it warned of the harmful effects of the "Caesar" and of "clericalism".
But the distinction made by Christ is not in any way that religion is relegated to the temple, the dark corner of a sacristy, or that human affairs are conducted outside or in total divorce from any divine law and Christian .
latter could simply call it as "schizophrenia espiritual”. Y esto lo observamos en algunos funcionarios públicos que, por querer hacer “lo políticamente correcto” y quedar bien ante los medios de comunicación, traicionan a sus convicciones cristianas.
Y así sucede que en el ámbito personal o familiar, algunos dicen estar a favor de la vida del no nacido, de que el matrimonio es la unión de un hombre con una mujer para procrear hijos; se pronuncian contra las adicciones, la prostitución, etc.
Pero cuando se manifiestan en los foros públicos afirman, por ejemplo, que: “abortar es decisión de cada mujer”; “las uniones homosexuales son determinación de cada pareja”; “hay que ser tolerantes with respect to drug use and the work of sex workers, etc.
In some cases, these behaviors can be explained because there is an undercurrent of political ambitions in the immediate future and in other situations, because they think that these claims "are well with everyone" and at no time can be labeled as inflexible, intolerant, reactionaries.
All these behaviors inevitably lead to a relativist position (say, "everything depends on the approach to look at a fact"), denial of objective truth and universal, severe mental confusion between good and bad or evil and, above all, to lose sight of that to be Christian is to be consistent and compromise between what you believe and act everyday, whether in the home or temple, or in the public forum, at work, in politics or with a statement to the media.
believe that today more than ever needed in our country Christians committed to the truth, determination and strong convictions, without fear of "what people say," to witness to their faith with courage, in short, full-time Christian.


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