Hace algún tiempo tuve una larga conversación con un Psiquiatra que atiende a sus pacientes, desde hace algunos años, en una conocida clínica de rehabilitación contra las adicciones en la Ciudad de México.
Hubo dos asuntos que comentó y me llamaron poderosamente la atención. El primero, se refiere a la moderna droga de mezclar bebidas energetizantes con alcohol. Me decía que a su consultorio acudían muchos adolescentes que a las primeras ingestas de esta combinación, les producía dependencia y, después, ya no podían salir de su situación y sus padres los llevaban a esta clínica para que fueran desintoxicados. Sufrían various changes in their behavior, such as anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, tachycardia, anxiety, fear, insecurity.
"I'm surprised," he says that the Ministry of Health and Human Services has not raised their voices in warning against this new drug that is spreading rapidly because it is close at hand and can be purchased at any retailer. "
The second issue is explained to me that it found that behind many people addicted to alcohol and drugs, masking numerous cases of homosexuality.
But these truths, "he said, did not go in the first sessions of psychotherapy, but had to make an arduous effort to that the patient will have enough confidence and be fully honest.
"What happens to these people who have sex with men-holding-is that they know perfectly well that they are not doing well. Then begin to suffer emotional distress (unhappiness, pessimism, sadness, wishes to commit suicide, etc.) And "escape hatch" is usually alcohol and drugs. "
"Even some patients with obsessive nightmares in which the same voice of his conscience reproached her attitude and that will produce a huge moral suffering."
is no doubt that everyone has a great dignity and, therefore, must be respected. Particularly those with trends instinctive homosexuals should be understood, treated with compassion and sensitivity. In no way can they discriminate unfairly.
This is the Catechism of the Catholic Church in its numbers from 2357 to 2359. The Church as Mother and Teacher, invites them to live chastely and to cultivate the virtues of self-control, be strengthened by the practice of the sacraments and by prayer life.
In short, through the closeness or union with God, humbly asking for help, managed to live that chastity because, undoubtedly, friendship with Jesus Christ is the source grace, comfort and spiritual strength.
Now, what the Church and the Popes condemned, and always unanimously, homosexual relationships are as they go against human nature, there can be no procreative purpose and are intrinsically disordered.
Pope Benedict XVI, in a recent interview he did with the German journalist Peter Seewald, published in a book entitled: "Light of the World," clearly states:
"One thing is that (homosexuals) are people with their problems and joys, as human beings, even taking itself so inclined, deserve respect and should not be postponed for that reason. Respect for the human being is totally fundamental and decisive.
"But at the same time, another thing is the sense which they have been given to sexuality. If one wants to express in this way, one could say that evolution has given rise to sexual reproduction of the species. This is also true from a theological perspective. The meaning of sexuality is to bring man and woman toward each other and thereby give humanity offspring, children, future. It is an internal determination that is in its essence.
"Everything else goes against the inner sense of sexuality. We have to support this even if you like at the time. "
He concludes that homosexuality "is still something that is against the essence of what God originally wanted" (Editorial Herder, 2010, pages 160-161).
But sexuality is a human component good, holy and noble, if exercised in order.
What the Church has always blessed and encouraged the conjugal love of man and woman in marriage. This physical intimacy is a sign and guarantee of spiritual communion. Also, is not confined to the purely biological, but concerns the innermost being of the person as such. The living fruit of that love between husband and wife are children, an inexhaustible source of joy and gratitude.
Therefore, the vision of the Church on the subject of human sexuality is eminently positive, constructive and, while on the way to fullness of life Christian.
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