Monday, April 25, 2011

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A giant spirit named John Paul II

we approach the date of the beatification of Pope John Paul II. These days I have been reminded of a story that happened shortly after his election as Roman Pontiff, in October 1978. Protestant
A lady asked a friend of mine:
- Where you were removed, the Catholics, the Pope Polish? It was a real surprise. In addition, I have been reading various reports and that, in his youth, was a stage actor, is a leading intellectual, author of numerous books and essays, poet, philosopher, studied Slavic Philology of Languages \u200b\u200bat the University, and has a deep spirituality , is an exemplary pastor, with great sympathy and leadership and, last but not least, has a baritone voice.
My friend replied: "Do not forget
, madam, that the Popes are chosen by the Holy Spirit with the help of the Cardinals.
And the lady said:
"Yes, but in this case, blew very hard the Holy Spirit, is not it?
Indeed, the personality of John Paul II contains a wealth of human, spiritual, in the apostolic, culturally, as witnessed by the writer George Weigel in his extensive biographical study on the Roman Pontiff, entitled "Witness of Hope "with 1311 pages.
Personally, one of my favorite texts of the Pope is his Encyclical Letter "The Gospel of Life" about the value and inviolability of human life. With what strength and determination to defend the human being from the moment of conception until natural death! Vigorously denounces crimes against unborn children, infanticide, euthanasia, etc. A marriage
horizons were opened by saying that the greatest good that a couple can take is to continue the work of the Creator, childbearing and forming a large family. He says, in a very beautiful, that every child is living and embodied the fruit of love between the spouses. "
In another vein, also charged with great power in communist Russia and its satellite countries of Eastern Europe there was a systematic violation of human rights and undermined the dignity of the human person. Then came the precipitous decline Berlin Wall in November 1989.
were totalitarian governments that could not sustain themselves. Subjugated citizens clamoring for freedom and democracy. And the socio-political change came with little bloodshed.
John Paul II, in the same way, led the Church into the Third Millennium discussing their challenges with this wonderful book, entitled: "Crossing the Threshold of Hope." Ominous voices against the great evils that would ensue in the new millennium, the Roman Pontiff encouraged us to trust in Divine Providence and that undoubtedly would be an excellent stage of re-Christianization in the five continents.
Finally, the admirable and exemplary way that led her illness, left us all an invaluable testimony of how you can deliver the pain and suffering very closely united to the Cross of Christ.
that I find unforgettable interview with him about his illness with courage and determination and said: "Some
wanted me to resign and retire, how convenient it would be for me! Not so, I will continue nailed to the Cross of Christ until the last day that God gives me life!
And is that John Paul II was aware that, with its chronic and irreversible disease, was another way to serve the Church. It was a testimony of great value to all Christians, but particularly for the sick.
The beatification of John Paul II fills us with happiness and joy. I believe that John Paul II has been a wonderful gift from God, not only for Catholics in our time, but for all humanity.

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How to educate children in the use of TV?

Many psychologists call him on television, "The Third Parent" for the tremendous influence it has on children and adolescents. We know it is a wonderful means of communication to deliver news, sports, cultural events, etc. and contributes to relaxation and entertainment for the entire family.
But what are the dangers of immoderate use television? First, the "teleadicción" which is a daily dependence be looking for, without selecting the programs, but just watching, almost continuously, which "appears" in the various channels.
There are homes where the TV stays on all day, and consequently lose the communication and intimacy between family members, neglecting homework, you leave the love of reading, there are exercising physical, and in general, entails that the children are listless, apathetic and indifferent to the needs of the household (orders, requests for the sick, arrangements materials ...) for precisely this compulsion to be glued to the TV.
What considerations should take into account the parents? TV creates a passivity in that particular subject hardly reflects on the content submitted to it, but as a "sponge" will absorb all the images being presented. Mentally
the person loses concentration, creativity, imagination, exercising their memory, mental agility, the correct use of language, etc., Which is just opposite to the effects produced by the habit of good reading.
Moreover, children and youth are especially vulnerable to certain programs that are role models or icons to follow where the main characters, subtly, leaving patterns of behavior to imitate.
cite some examples of practical errors, conflicts or problems are solved mainly through violence, the sense of life has no purpose other than the insatiable quest of pleasure with regard to sexuality matters is the enjoyment of the 'here and now 'without any obligation or liability, and appears almost never the institution of marriage, a woman is presented so deformed, as a mere object desirable, following the unacceptable logic of consumer society: "Use and throw away."
Have you noticed how some girls talk just as their favorites in the soaps? Or how kids and tweens react similarly to their idols, singers or actors they admire? What advice
provide about the use of television in the family?
First, they are the parents themselves take the lead and select which programs are suitable for training and entertainment for their children;
them see the children that their primary duty is to comply with homework and study time.
Second, propose interesting plans for their free time: class swimming, football, tennis, guitar, painting, educational trips (museums, art exhibitions, contact with nature ...), they become fond of history, in learning about scientific discoveries, geography, astronomy , musical treasures, and in general, well-selected readings to supplement training.
Also, make accompaniment work in time to see certain programs or movies, so that eventually the children to help regulate a healthy attitude criterion or critical of what they witnessed.
For example, if a film is about a married couple with children who are divorced and is presented as "Most natural" to induce them to reflect on and question:
- How do you think will feel the children after the divorce of their parents?
The answer will come from the hand, as a logical consequence:
"Well too bad, because they behaved in a selfish and thought about their children and the happiness of the family together.
A final consideration is that parents should have a proactive involvement to require television stations that do not project or commercial programs that can be harmful or misleading to children and, in turn, propose or suggest programs fun, entertaining, constructive so that television contributes conducting training to parents from within your home.

Monday, April 18, 2011

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San Pedro, a character to ponder this Lent

Among the characters about the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, there is one for which I have particular fondness: San Pedro, who was the first pope. Why? For the Gospels present him as a man of flesh and blood, with virtues and defects, with successes and mistakes. When the Lord called to his vocation of the Apostle, in the midst of his occupation of fisherman, the Holy Text says: "And leaving everything, at once, followed him." Had little (a boat, some networks ...) but relied fully in Jesus Christ, delivered with boundless generosity and since then had no more life to fulfill His holy will. Apostle is inseparable, along with the other eleven disciples accompanying Jesus on the roads of Palestine. Originally called Peter, and when it is chosen to be Visible Head of the Church, the Son of God incarnate, in a solemn and meaningful, it is renamed: "I tell you that you are Peter (Latin: 'petrus' meaning 'stone') and the 'Stone' I will build my Church. " But San Pedro is a strong character, intense, passionate. When the Lord communicates to his followers about of impending painful death on the Cross, the Apostle opposes so strongly and fiery, which is being reprimanded by the Lord: "Depart from Me, Satan, for not thinking as God but as men." It was relatively short time had taken place on Mount Tabor, the Transfiguration, where St. Peter had been visibly divinity of the Lord and his clothes had shone bright white, along with Moses and Elijah. Now Jesus, announced that he would be crucified. Understandably, the first Vicar of Christ did not understand the mysterious message. Then in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord is arrested by the soldiers, instigados por algunos fariseos, y sometido a un juicio injusto. Todos los Apóstoles, por miedo a correr la misma suerte, habían huido. Y viene la profecía de Jesús a Pedro vinculada al canto de un gallo con su triple traición. San Lucas nos relata, con detalle, en su Evangelio, aquellas negaciones: “Otro aseguró: -Cierto, éste estaba con él, pues también es galileo. “Y dijo Pedro: -No sé, hombre, lo que dices. “Y al instante, estando todavía hablando, cantó el gallo” (Lucas 22, 59-60). Todo esto sucedió alrededor de una pequeña fogata, muy cerca del palacio donde había sido apresado Jesús. De tal manera, que Pedro podía mirar a cierta distance to Jesus Christ. The Apostle was nervous, confused, disturbed, doubtful. Then comes a touching scene: "The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word that the Lord had told him: "Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." What was it like that look of Jesus to Peter? I imagine it full of tenderness, affection and understanding. As if to say: "I understand your weakness, but it corrects, I forgive you, come back to me. He concludes San Lucas: (The Apostle) "went out and wept bitterly." Peter repents and decides to meet with Mary and the rest of the apostles. With that company recovered faith, security and full of hope. Soon, at dawn on Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene and other holy women who accompanied and attended to the Lord in his many travels in the Holy Land, they communicate the Good News that we had said the Angel of the Holy Sepulchre: "He is risen, as predicted. " Jesus had conquered death. Peter, in his irrepressible excitement, a dash-along with the Apostle John-the place where he had deposited the body of Christ and prove that wonderful fact. Then there are the appearances of the Risen Jesus to the Apostolic College. Subsequently, on Pentecost Sunday, is on St. Mary and the Apostles, the Holy Spirit Renewal Fire and confirmed in their strength and their faith. San Pedro, with those supernatural gifts, leaving the streets to preach the Word of God, with great courage and without fear or dread. Then all the apostles are imprisoned and they are beaten. But nothing can stop them or silence them in their divine mission. The messengers of the Good News spread through the four corners to spread the Gospel. St. Peter preached in Palestine and then moved to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. In this metropolis preached, with St Paul, the Good News with great determination. Soon come the first conversions to Christianity and the Church is born in Italy. Again he was imprisoned, but Peter irrepressible love of God, continued to preach until he is sentenced to death. An ancient historian states that asked to be crucified upside down by believing unworthy to die as his Master, with his head held high. The admirable example of San Pedro can take us this Lent to the consideration that all we can rectify our mistakes, through the Sacrament of Confession, and once purified and nourished with the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, can be carriers of the testimony of Christ with our words and our example, our normal and usual activities: work, family, in our civic duties, with family and encouraging friends ... do we find the life of St. Peter who, having undeniable flaws and limitations, with the grace of God went back up to become a martyr, a first pope heroic and an apostle model for all Christians!

Monday, April 11, 2011

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in Mato Grosso Lunfardo

"Muses Lunfardo" was launched last Thursday 28 April in Brazil in the VIII Festival América do Sul, which took place in the city of Corumbá in the state of Mato Grosso. In this edition of the festival took pictures as Amelita Baltar, Rita Lee, Pedro Aznar and Soledad Villamil. Our presentation was held at the Teatro del Colegio Santa Teresa and provided for us a truly unforgettable experience.

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Back in Brazil, were in the city of Canelones with "Muses Lunfardo" the ultimo. Saturday, April 30 with our friends Link Theatre. Thank its members for the invitation to be there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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Lavalleja With our visit and there are nine departments toured with "Muses Lunfardo" . El ultimo. Saturday, April 9 we reported to the city of Minas in Lavalleja Theatre, its management and staff our thanks for his courtesy and kindness.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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On Friday, a tribute to José Hierro

Monday, April 4, 2011

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Testimony of Andrea Bocelli ... Protect the family and life

Write Fr. José Martínez Colin 1) For a few days ago was held in Colombia, a meeting with the bishops responsible for the Commissions of the "Family and Life." Therefore, on Friday March 28, Pope Benedict XVI addressed a few words in stating that the family is the value desired by the peoples of these noble lands and must promote a culture of life and work for the rights of families are recognized and respected. The Pope acknowledged that there are notes with sorrow "how households are increasingly adversity caused by rapid cultural ... on poverty, education programs trivialize sexuality and false ideologies." Given these problems, the Pope invited to "not remain indifferent to these challenges. In the Gospel we find light to respond to them without being discouraged. Christ's grace encourages us to work diligently and enthusiastically to accompany each of the members of families in the discovery of the project of love that God has on human person. " 2) To think Andrea Bocelli is a contemporary Italian tenor who, though blind, is a musician, writer and producer. It is an internationally known singer who has sold over 70 million albums worldwide. Gives us valuable evidence of the value of life in a video that has had 60 thousand hits on (entitled "Andrea Bocelli has a 'little story' on abortion"). The tenor has "while playing the piano, the story of a young pregnant woman who was hospitalized for" a simple attack of appendicitis. " The doctors had to apply some ice in the stomach and when he finished treatment suggested an abortion the child. He said it was the solution because it would be born with a disability. But this brave young wife decided not to abort. She would take care of him, so I went ahead with the pregnancy and the child was born. Add the lines: "Well, that woman was my mother, and I was a child. Maybe I'm biased, but I can say that the decision was correct. "Besides, was not born blind, but lost her sight due to congenital glaucoma and a football accident which caused a brain hemorrhage at the age of 12 years. But do not let this event destroyed his career and went on with great willpower. He even graduating School of Law. His passion for music led him excel and become a great artist. Bocelli hopes his story, besides being a tribute to his mother, encourage many mothers in a "difficult situation" who want to save the life of her baby. 3) To live the Pope ended by encouraging: "No effort will be useless as help encourage each family based on the indissoluble union between a man and a woman to carry out its mission of being ... seedbed of virtue, School of coexistence constructive and peaceful instrument of harmony and privileged environment in which so joyous and responsible human life is welcomed and protected, from its inception to its natural end. Worth also continue to encourage parents in their right and fundamental obligation to educate the new generations in the faith and values \u200b\u200bthat dignify human existence. "(E-mail:

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The writer Albert Camus found a meaning in their lives

When I came across the novel "The Stranger" and more like "The Plague" by French writer Camus impressed me the whole message transmitting existentialist philosophy: man is a being for death, the existence has no meaning and the living is but a useless passion, humans are just mere products of chance and live in a permanent orphanage ... Recently, the Methodist pastor Howard Mumma, a friend of the Nobel Prize of Literature, published his discussions with Albert Camus and the way was gradually converting to Christianity. In this long journey in search of truth, Albert Camus wrote: "If you do not believe in anything, if nothing makes sense and if you can find nowhere any value, then everything is permitted and nothing matters. "So it would appear that there is nothing good or bad, and Hitler had no reason or unreason. It does not matter to drag the crematorium to millions of innocent people who devote themselves to patient care. "The dead can honor them or they can be treated as garbage. Everything has the same value then ... "If nothing is true or false, nothing good or bad, if the only value is the ability, can be taken only one rule: to become the most able, ie the strongest. In this case, no longer divided the world into the righteous and unrighteous, but masters and slaves. Dominates is right. " As you read this shocking statement Camus, I came to mind so many laws or measures that governments and legislators have been imposed in Western societies and that go against human dignity, such as abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, experiments with human embryos, the matrices for rent, sterilizations mass (which is often practiced these tubal ligation against the will of the same women!) ... Because if you do not respect the person and their basic rights, then only is the law of the jungle. When he began his literary career, Albert Camus believed in the "philosophy of the absurd" but, over the years, recognized that this approach was impractical and even vital unimaginable. Why? Because he realized that some behaviors are better than others. "Most human problems arise when man attempts to replace God," says Camus. In 1946, a journalist of "Le litteraire" stated that he sought truth and reasoning that would allow it to conclude the validity of human actions. Camus later wrote an article titled: "If God does not exist." Some time later, as a result of these friendly conversations in Paris with Mumma Protestant pastor, said: "Fortunately I was wrong." Today we know that the relentless search for the meaning of human existence, finally found it. The title of this book by Howard Mumma is "The Existentialist jaded. Conversations with Albert Camus, "Editorial" Vozdepapel "collection" Veritas. " Without doubt, a testimony of great current interest. Camus's Last Words Mumma his friend before he died in a car accident, were: "My friend, I will continue striving to reach the faith". I believe that would have to resize the literary works of Albert Camus with this new perspective offered in his book the pastor.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

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9 departments in the city of Minas

"Muses Lunfardo" will for the first time in the Lavalleja be presented in Mine Saturday April 9 at the historic Teatro Lavalleja of that city.

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"Muses Lunfardo" was made in Montevideo in the 23rd. Viva el Tango Festival in Tacuarembó in the 16th. Gardeliana week in Durazno in the 4th. Tango Festival of Oriental and Agenda "Uruguay at all costs" of the Ministry of Tourism and Sport. Abroad was introduced in Brazil in the 8th. Festival América do Sul, Corumbá and Argentina at the Academy of Lunfardo Porteña and Cafetín of Corrales in Buenos Aires.
In Montevideo has also been in Om Bar, Inn of the English Club, Barbican Pub, Club Restaurant Commercial Bank Pittamiglio Castle School of Arts and Crafts Dr. Pedro Figari, Café La Daily, Espacio Cultural de La Spezia, Notaries Association of Uruguay, Tango Gala of the English Club and Café Courts. As in many parts of the Interior: La Paloma (Rocha), Nueva Palmira and Carmelo (Cologne), city of Canelones, Fortin de Santa Rosa Jauregui, Parque del Plata, Progreso and Santa Lucia (Canelones), Melo (Cerro Largo) , Libertad (San Jose), Piriápolis and Maldonado (Maldonado), Minas (Lavalleja). We made two supportive functions in the Home of the Sisters of Charity in the neighborhood Borro and the Yacht Club de Jauregui. Later
announce new presentations "Muses Lunfardo" . For contacts: