Monday, April 4, 2011

Boxing And Arthritis In Hands

Testimony of Andrea Bocelli ... Protect the family and life

Write Fr. José Martínez Colin 1) For a few days ago was held in Colombia, a meeting with the bishops responsible for the Commissions of the "Family and Life." Therefore, on Friday March 28, Pope Benedict XVI addressed a few words in stating that the family is the value desired by the peoples of these noble lands and must promote a culture of life and work for the rights of families are recognized and respected. The Pope acknowledged that there are notes with sorrow "how households are increasingly adversity caused by rapid cultural ... on poverty, education programs trivialize sexuality and false ideologies." Given these problems, the Pope invited to "not remain indifferent to these challenges. In the Gospel we find light to respond to them without being discouraged. Christ's grace encourages us to work diligently and enthusiastically to accompany each of the members of families in the discovery of the project of love that God has on human person. " 2) To think Andrea Bocelli is a contemporary Italian tenor who, though blind, is a musician, writer and producer. It is an internationally known singer who has sold over 70 million albums worldwide. Gives us valuable evidence of the value of life in a video that has had 60 thousand hits on (entitled "Andrea Bocelli has a 'little story' on abortion"). The tenor has "while playing the piano, the story of a young pregnant woman who was hospitalized for" a simple attack of appendicitis. " The doctors had to apply some ice in the stomach and when he finished treatment suggested an abortion the child. He said it was the solution because it would be born with a disability. But this brave young wife decided not to abort. She would take care of him, so I went ahead with the pregnancy and the child was born. Add the lines: "Well, that woman was my mother, and I was a child. Maybe I'm biased, but I can say that the decision was correct. "Besides, was not born blind, but lost her sight due to congenital glaucoma and a football accident which caused a brain hemorrhage at the age of 12 years. But do not let this event destroyed his career and went on with great willpower. He even graduating School of Law. His passion for music led him excel and become a great artist. Bocelli hopes his story, besides being a tribute to his mother, encourage many mothers in a "difficult situation" who want to save the life of her baby. 3) To live the Pope ended by encouraging: "No effort will be useless as help encourage each family based on the indissoluble union between a man and a woman to carry out its mission of being ... seedbed of virtue, School of coexistence constructive and peaceful instrument of harmony and privileged environment in which so joyous and responsible human life is welcomed and protected, from its inception to its natural end. Worth also continue to encourage parents in their right and fundamental obligation to educate the new generations in the faith and values \u200b\u200bthat dignify human existence. "(E-mail:


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