Monday, April 18, 2011

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San Pedro, a character to ponder this Lent

Among the characters about the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, there is one for which I have particular fondness: San Pedro, who was the first pope. Why? For the Gospels present him as a man of flesh and blood, with virtues and defects, with successes and mistakes. When the Lord called to his vocation of the Apostle, in the midst of his occupation of fisherman, the Holy Text says: "And leaving everything, at once, followed him." Had little (a boat, some networks ...) but relied fully in Jesus Christ, delivered with boundless generosity and since then had no more life to fulfill His holy will. Apostle is inseparable, along with the other eleven disciples accompanying Jesus on the roads of Palestine. Originally called Peter, and when it is chosen to be Visible Head of the Church, the Son of God incarnate, in a solemn and meaningful, it is renamed: "I tell you that you are Peter (Latin: 'petrus' meaning 'stone') and the 'Stone' I will build my Church. " But San Pedro is a strong character, intense, passionate. When the Lord communicates to his followers about of impending painful death on the Cross, the Apostle opposes so strongly and fiery, which is being reprimanded by the Lord: "Depart from Me, Satan, for not thinking as God but as men." It was relatively short time had taken place on Mount Tabor, the Transfiguration, where St. Peter had been visibly divinity of the Lord and his clothes had shone bright white, along with Moses and Elijah. Now Jesus, announced that he would be crucified. Understandably, the first Vicar of Christ did not understand the mysterious message. Then in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord is arrested by the soldiers, instigados por algunos fariseos, y sometido a un juicio injusto. Todos los Apóstoles, por miedo a correr la misma suerte, habían huido. Y viene la profecía de Jesús a Pedro vinculada al canto de un gallo con su triple traición. San Lucas nos relata, con detalle, en su Evangelio, aquellas negaciones: “Otro aseguró: -Cierto, éste estaba con él, pues también es galileo. “Y dijo Pedro: -No sé, hombre, lo que dices. “Y al instante, estando todavía hablando, cantó el gallo” (Lucas 22, 59-60). Todo esto sucedió alrededor de una pequeña fogata, muy cerca del palacio donde había sido apresado Jesús. De tal manera, que Pedro podía mirar a cierta distance to Jesus Christ. The Apostle was nervous, confused, disturbed, doubtful. Then comes a touching scene: "The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word that the Lord had told him: "Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." What was it like that look of Jesus to Peter? I imagine it full of tenderness, affection and understanding. As if to say: "I understand your weakness, but it corrects, I forgive you, come back to me. He concludes San Lucas: (The Apostle) "went out and wept bitterly." Peter repents and decides to meet with Mary and the rest of the apostles. With that company recovered faith, security and full of hope. Soon, at dawn on Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene and other holy women who accompanied and attended to the Lord in his many travels in the Holy Land, they communicate the Good News that we had said the Angel of the Holy Sepulchre: "He is risen, as predicted. " Jesus had conquered death. Peter, in his irrepressible excitement, a dash-along with the Apostle John-the place where he had deposited the body of Christ and prove that wonderful fact. Then there are the appearances of the Risen Jesus to the Apostolic College. Subsequently, on Pentecost Sunday, is on St. Mary and the Apostles, the Holy Spirit Renewal Fire and confirmed in their strength and their faith. San Pedro, with those supernatural gifts, leaving the streets to preach the Word of God, with great courage and without fear or dread. Then all the apostles are imprisoned and they are beaten. But nothing can stop them or silence them in their divine mission. The messengers of the Good News spread through the four corners to spread the Gospel. St. Peter preached in Palestine and then moved to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. In this metropolis preached, with St Paul, the Good News with great determination. Soon come the first conversions to Christianity and the Church is born in Italy. Again he was imprisoned, but Peter irrepressible love of God, continued to preach until he is sentenced to death. An ancient historian states that asked to be crucified upside down by believing unworthy to die as his Master, with his head held high. The admirable example of San Pedro can take us this Lent to the consideration that all we can rectify our mistakes, through the Sacrament of Confession, and once purified and nourished with the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, can be carriers of the testimony of Christ with our words and our example, our normal and usual activities: work, family, in our civic duties, with family and encouraging friends ... do we find the life of St. Peter who, having undeniable flaws and limitations, with the grace of God went back up to become a martyr, a first pope heroic and an apostle model for all Christians!


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