Thursday, May 26, 2011
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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The Psychiatrist David Burns said some of the main reasons why we lose objectivity and our "self-undermining" in our daily joy. I quote some of the examples he rightly says:
- The use of "sunglasses" is to allow a negative thought crosses our mind acquires "body" and pull, in turn, to many other . An example fails to notice a small motor in my car. It is thought, "Surely I will leave 'shot' in the middle portion and a crane will take me to 'corral' and I'll have to spend a good amount of money to solve this problem. " When even the afflicted person has bothered to ask your mechanic if that "little sound" you hear in your car deserves a major overhaul!
- The "binoculars backwards": As we know, are instruments to look far. But if we turn and look for his glasses upside down, what do we observe? Our achievements, successes, virtues, powers, so tiny! We are not minor. In contrast, a defect that we have the bounds in such a way that takes away the peace and serenity.
- The feeling guilty of almost everything. A mother who one day comes to this conclusion: "I feel like a bad mother because I gave my son a good education but is a messy, irresponsible, failed two subjects in school and I was a teenager but is getting worse! The blame me! I have the impression that I failed in my role as a mother!
- The binomial "all or nothing." This happens a lot in the perfectionist personalities. Like when a young professional, just out of college and go to work at a company, says to himself: "If in two years is not completely one of the major directors of this corporation , I consider it a mediocre, a 'nobody'. " For this young man really only focuses on two aspects: "or I have a meteoric success" or "no good." And it is clear that such a personality, suffers a lot because it realizes that life is full of colors and "between white and black" there is an infinite variety of grays.
What do you recommend Dr. David Burns? Something very simple. Take a folder or notebook with a pen and write down the left side all that is considered "big bugs, errors, failures impressions of mediocrity, and so on." And on the right side, write all our achievements, successes, strengths, successes or reasoning contribute to disarm these wrong feelings or sensations and treacherous surface product of an uncontrolled imagination, tear us happiness.
I would add that you have to include humor. One of the characteristics of a mature personality is the ability to laugh at yourself, particularly when fantasy gets us through these mazes with no apparent exit. And it comes fully well that restlessness to such mental traps, we say to ourselves:
- Faced with this difficulty, you are not acting in an illogical manner, absurd or ridiculous? You're not overreacting to the problem as an accomplished actor or actress in a dramatic soap opera?
This position will allow us to see more away the difficulty in question, putting a good "breath of fresh air" that we strains and, more calmly now, solve our problems with greater objectivity, and However, do not lose the peace and joy.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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Friday, May 20, 2011
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Many, after seeing it, made them reconsider and conclude that "the devil you do not play" or less with eternal damnation as a result of witnessing in the film (and some others) the diabolic possession and exorcisms.
Who is Satan? A fallen angel who disobeyed God seriously and, together with other demons, were cast into Hell (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 391 to 394).
How does the earth and man? It is so much unhappiness that the Devil would also eternal damnation of humans and makes every effort to present often temptations, sowing hatred, discord, suggesting evil, in other words, to push him to sin and also the man or woman, unless they repent before Dios y mediante el Sacramento de la Confesión de sus yerros, tengan como fin último el Infierno.
¿En qué consiste exactamente este tenebroso lugar? En primer lugar, en la no posesión de la felicidad y el amor de Dios para siempre. Eso provoca en el alma un indescriptible y desgarrador dolor. En segundo plano, en padecer intensos sufrimientos físicos para purgar y pagar los pecados cometidos.
Recomiendo ampliamente la lectura de “La Divina Comedia” de Dante, donde Infierno, Purgatorio y Cielo, vienen explicados con lujo de detalles y este escritor italiano se documentó bastante bien con reconocidos teólogos to write this classic of world literature.
Perhaps some readers, I write this, I sound like a fable or fairy grandmothers afraid to frighten children "and that in the XXI century this issue and no one will believe it.
I can attest that I have known priests as exorcists reported cases of demonic possession with all realism and detail, and after much prayer and penance, managed to pull of a soul to the devil, there is no doubt Satan really exists and acts in our society.
But there is a important detail: the Devil does not like "you see the face." What do I mean? In that as a very intelligent (his name is Lucifer and excelled in Heaven for his gifts and supernatural virtues, even before being dragged into the abyss) prefers to pass unnoticed, that no one noticed him, never acts in a blatant and strives to grow among men the false idea that does not exist or is simply a myth or a legend of the past.
I just finished reading the "Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (Editorial Marian Press, 2007) was many appearances of Jesus Christ, Santa Mary but also the Lord allowed him to know how to eternal damnation. On pages 304 and 305 of his written testimony: "Today I was in the depths of hell, led by an angel. It is a place of great torment, which frighteningly large your extension! The kinds of tortures I saw: the first torture that constitutes hell is the loss of God. " (...) And then neatly described what he saw, he concludes: "Let the sinner know that he will be tormented for all eternity. I write it at God's command that no soul excuse saying that Hell does not exist or that no one was there or knows how. "
Many other saints have had these supernatural experiences. Now remember Santa Teresa de Jesus and the Holy Curé of Ars, who made similar accounts in his writings and testimonies.
On our recent Beato, Juan Pablo II, it is said that talking with a friend, a high and holy church, in private meeting asked quite seriously:
"Monseigneur, Do you ever has appeared the Devil?
cleric replied promptly:
"No, but often I'm hearing about so many perversions and evil deeds of many people around the world that he could say that every day I play the presence and activities of Satan in our society, which tends to move away from God or live as if there were.
To which the Blessed John Paul II said:
"But to me it is exactly the same.
A conclusion, dear reader, it is worth taking seriously God: the Ten Commandments, Seven Sacraments, and all its teachings and what the Creed says. And do not forget that faith is not only to hear "as one listens to the rain and not get wet" but to practice and make daily life of our life. In this sense, our good works in the family, at work, in society and in general, with our fellow men, are essential to our salvation.
Heaven What will we wait? Bliss and Joy without end because they possess to God and see what it is, with all its goodness, its truth and beauty. St. Paul says that "No eye has seen, nor ear heard" what the Lord has in store for those who love Him. The human soul has been created to achieve possession of eternal happiness in God, otherwise we will have failed in our lives, no matter our social status, wealth, property, personal qualities ... it will be worth nothing if we do not reach heaven.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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Thursday, May 12, 2011
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011
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To write my latest novel WINNERS (1) (co-authored with Dr. Ernesto Bolio) for many years I devoted to interviewing people with addictions and collect reflections psychiatrists.
found a common denominator: all people yearn to be happy. Many find that happiness in ways successful, but many have chosen false paths that lead to deep precipices of painful recovery, such as drug consumption, alcohol, compulsive use of sex, self-indulgent and obsessive acquisition of material goods, or they turn on their professional work as sole and exclusive purpose of the family and any other human activity.
This causes, in most cases, emotional disorders, stress and neurosis, in some cases quite pronounced.
As a result of these investigations was that I decided to write this book: IF YOU WANT, YOU CAN BE HAPPY. ON THE MATURITY AND HAPPINESS (2) that answers many of the questions raised in the novel.
Undoubtedly, there are also a range of small items for which a person loses the serenity and peace: the dislike unimportant matters, the mania of standing compared with others, the desire to be pathologically perfectionist, altering defects to the minimum which live with us, overwhelmed if the work increases, allowing flooding in our daily reality pessimistic or negative thoughts.
There is a very wise thought the writer Romano Guardini, who says: "Things are as they are and not as we would like to be." What do you mean? For that we must accept ourselves with our limitations, strengths and weaknesses; to love others with small defects and, thirdly, to accept the general situation of our work environment, social or family.
But can you be happy when it knocks at our door the pain, disease, suffering or death? Paradoxically it can. In the human, a condition helps us grow in strength, patience and maturity, while tempering the will and enrecia character.
It is therefore essential to keep mental health and acquire a mature personality who knows how to be magnanimous goals in life, while being realistic that is tolerant, flexible but consistent with its principles, that of the inevitable failures and mistakes, learn to visualize how the goals, challenges or opportunities for growth and enrichment as a person.
Finally, it is important to keep the joy and good humor to all circumstances of life in situations easy, regular or adverse frankly. Nothing is gained by letting go of the sadness, anxiety, depression or melancholy. In contrast, when a person maintains the serenity and peace can reflect with greater objectivity and better address their difficulties and problems .
Laughter and optimism are wonderful resources that humans have to give a positive meaning to life, to launch forward to each day as if it were the last of our existence.
(1) Aguilera Espinoza, Raul and Ernesto Bolio and Arciniega, WINNERS, ON EMOTIONAL DISORDERS OF OUR TIME, Panorama Editorial, Mexico, 2011. 240 pages.
(2) Aguilera Espinoza, Raul, if you want to be happy. ON THE MATURITY AND HAPPINESS. Panorama Editorial, Mexico, 2011. 128 pages.
can be purchased at bookstores prestige.
Post: respinoza@dlmexico.net and respinoza51@hotmail.com
Tels: 52-02-62-47 and 52-02-83-01
(Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, 1951)
a degree in Language and Literature from the University Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Graduate in Communication Sciences from the University of Navarra (Spain). Has studied a Diploma in Philosophy from the Universidad Panamericana. For twelve years he was Member of the Board and professor of the School Acuautla .
For three decades has been a member of the Editorial Board Editorial Minos. Over 35 years has had an intense journalistic activity in various media in Mexico and some from abroad.
is currently Director of Public Opinion Group, contributor and member Editorial Board of the cultural magazine ISTHMUS and portal www.yoinfluyo.com , which is a regular contributor and has the weekly videocolumna entitled "Hot Topics."
is also a member of the board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Altruism and advisor to the publication Mexico are all brothers.
Author of books:
4. WHEN GOD CALLS TO YOUR DOOR. Some conversions of famous people ;
6. WINNERS: A novel about emotional disorders of our time. (Coauthored with psychiatrist Dr. Ernesto Bolio and Arciniega).
Monday, May 9, 2011
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Fr. José Martínez Colin
1) For
Sometimes people usually come only when we have a need. We thinking that the person has such a value that deserves to be loved for themselves and not the good I can report.
2) To think
is the story of a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play with him daily. He climbed the tree and he gave her shadow. He loved the tree and the tree loved the boy.
Time passed and the little boy grew up and never again play with the tree.
One day the boy returned and heard the sad tree said "Come play with me," but the boy replied: "I am not the child before that played with trees. The now I want are toys and I need money to buy them. "
"Sorry," said the tree, but I have no money ... If you take all my apples and sell them. So you get the money for your toys. "
The boy was so happy. Took all the apples and got money for your toys, then the tree and left happily.
But the boy did not return after getting the money and the tree was sad.
Later, the boy returned and the tree was happy and asked him: "Come play with me?"
"I have no time to play. I must work because I need a house for my wife and kids ... can you help me?"
"I have a house, but ... if you want to cut my branches to build your house. "The young man made the cut and this happy again the tree, but the man never returned and the tree was sad and lonely.
One day the man returned and the tree was delighted. "Come play with me?" Asked the tree.
The man replied: "I am sad and getting old. I want a boat to sail and rest. Can you give me one? ".
The tree replied:" Use my trunk to build one and thus you can sail and be happy. "
The man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. Then he went sailing. This undoubtedly made the tree happy again, but man, as an adult, never returned since that time, and the tree was sad and lonely.
Finally the man returned after many years and the tree said: "I'm sorry, but I do not have anything for you." The man replied, "I'm old, I have no strength to eat or to play ...".
Then the tears sprouting tree said, "Now I can not give you anything ... the only thing left is my dying roots.
The man replied: "I do not need much now, just a place to rest. I'm so tired after all these years. "
" Well, summed up the tree, old tree roots are the best place to lie down and rest. Come, sit with me and rest. " The man sat down next to the tree and this happy and contented, smiling with tears.
3) To live
This story may seem sad and even cruel, but what is surprising is that it can be the story of each one of us. The tree is our parents. As children, we loved to play with Mom and Dad ... When we let them grow ... and only returned to them when we need or we're stuck.
Vivamos grateful, especially with our parents or with God, loving them for who they are, not what we get from them.