Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Copper Commodity Option

Why do we alter and lose objectivity?

Has not happened, dear reader, that sometimes you get in a bad mood or feel pessimism unjustified reasons and seemingly insignificant?

The Psychiatrist David Burns said some of the main reasons why we lose objectivity and our "self-undermining" in our daily joy. I quote some of the examples he rightly says:

  1. The use of "sunglasses" is to allow a negative thought crosses our mind acquires "body" and pull, in turn, to many other . An example fails to notice a small motor in my car. It is thought, "Surely I will leave 'shot' in the middle portion and a crane will take me to 'corral' and I'll have to spend a good amount of money to solve this problem. " When even the afflicted person has bothered to ask your mechanic if that "little sound" you hear in your car deserves a major overhaul!
  2. The "binoculars backwards": As we know, are instruments to look far. But if we turn and look for his glasses upside down, what do we observe? Our achievements, successes, virtues, powers, so tiny! We are not minor. In contrast, a defect that we have the bounds in such a way that takes away the peace and serenity.
  3. The feeling guilty of almost everything. A mother who one day comes to this conclusion: "I feel like a bad mother because I gave my son a good education but is a messy, irresponsible, failed two subjects in school and I was a teenager but is getting worse! The blame me! I have the impression that I failed in my role as a mother!
  4. The binomial "all or nothing." This happens a lot in the perfectionist personalities. Like when a young professional, just out of college and go to work at a company, says to himself: "If in two years is not completely one of the major directors of this corporation , I consider it a mediocre, a 'nobody'. " For this young man really only focuses on two aspects: "or I have a meteoric success" or "no good." And it is clear that such a personality, suffers a lot because it realizes that life is full of colors and "between white and black" there is an infinite variety of grays.

What do you recommend Dr. David Burns? Something very simple. Take a folder or notebook with a pen and write down the left side all that is considered "big bugs, errors, failures impressions of mediocrity, and so on." And on the right side, write all our achievements, successes, strengths, successes or reasoning contribute to disarm these wrong feelings or sensations and treacherous surface product of an uncontrolled imagination, tear us happiness.

I would add that you have to include humor. One of the characteristics of a mature personality is the ability to laugh at yourself, particularly when fantasy gets us through these mazes with no apparent exit. And it comes fully well that restlessness to such mental traps, we say to ourselves:

- Faced with this difficulty, you are not acting in an illogical manner, absurd or ridiculous? You're not overreacting to the problem as an accomplished actor or actress in a dramatic soap opera?

This position will allow us to see more away the difficulty in question, putting a good "breath of fresh air" that we strains and, more calmly now, solve our problems with greater objectivity, and However, do not lose the peace and joy.


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