Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shelly Martinez Jewel De'nyle

ACA volunteers CONAMA (or at least a few)

CONAMA With the closing of 10 it was time to take a short break and celeb job well done. And that's what made a part of the group of volunteers who have been working with ACA in recent days and weeks, and have made this Blog.

From here we can only thank them publicly for their hard work and love and hope that our paths back together as soon as possible.

seems the same picture, but this is more complete :)

Thank you all / as!

Indeed, the photos are courtesy of @ Alvizlo

Monday, November 29, 2010

No Sound On Lenovo T60

Brazilian Hispanic Forum: Public involvement and social responsibility (BHF-4)

Introduced and moderated by: Victor Viñuales Edo. Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES)
The Brazilian Forum on Climate Change aims to mobilize business to cope with climate change through the adoption of the commitments made at the Brazil Open Letter on Climate Change and the joint Forum and government dialogue on regulations and actions related to the topic. It also aims to articulate the theme of climate change with other issues related to sustainability, such as poverty eradication and integrity.

The Core Strategic Environmental Management (NESA) is intended to articulate and promote the integration of related environmental measures with ventures in the area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil.

This group deals with social and environmental management and public participation in public policy from the energy sector. Comparing the power matrices of Brazil and the world are seen to be inversely proportional, representing 85% Brazilian hydropower versus 15% in the world.

movement Nossa São Paulo, created in 2007, and inter apartidiario character, seeks to promote synergies between businesses, NGOs, social movements and citizens. It is based on the values \u200b\u200bof sustainable development, ethics, social justice and participatory democracy.

His performance is based on four main areas: Program Indicators and Targets, monitoring, education and mobilization.

Getulio Vargas Foundation works with university students to carry out projects aimed at innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. To engage students use social networks and carried out visits to international aid agencies to enable them to develop new sustainable business.

The mission of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), born in 2003 in the field of Government británico, es suministrar informaciones de alta calidad para facilitar el diálogo entre inversionistas y corporaciones, contribuyendo para la mitigación de los cambios climáticos y para la transición rumbo a una economía de bajo carbono.

La Fundación Carolina se constituye en el año 2000 como una institución público-privada para la promoción de las relaciones culturales y la cooperación en materia educativa y científica entre España y los países de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de Naciones, así como con otros países con especiales vínculos históricos, culturales o geográficos. Su singularidad se debe a la participación conjunta de actores públicos y privados en su financiación, órganos de gobierno y actuaciones, a la prioridad otorgada a las áreas de la cultura, la educación, la ciencia y la tecnología, a la apuesta por el equilibrio geográfico y por la democracia paritaria de los beneficiarios de sus programas. Para la consecución de sus fines la FC desarrolla programas de formación, investigación, de visitantes y de responsabilidad social.

El Grupo de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa del Banco Santander expone que deben tomarse diversas pautas a la hora de financiar proyectos ya que estos pueden favorecer la contaminación. Destaca su compromiso con la sociedad Brasileña desde el proceso de cambio del Banco Real Santander brand. It also participates in the CDP and includes actions such as the Energy Efficiency Plan for the next three years, work in the field of renewable energies and the Financial City Project.

"We must all act with the idea of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, conducting activities not only retail but also wholesale."

"Engaging students in social activities using Social Networks."

"Only through collaboration and collective action can address the challenge of climate change."


Sandra Ortiz López Laura Marquis

Community Service For Schools Template

School Networks education for sustainability. (SD-37)

At the last UN meeting on education for sustainability, was proposed as the main objective networking as they have been exposed in this courtroom dynamics.

The day was introduced by representatives of the Generalitat of Catalonia, organizers of this room. They established the building blocks to implement a real change in environmental protection. These pillars were approved by the other participants which referred to them during their presentations. Ideas such as political will, technological advancement and cultural change. To accomplish the latter is fundamental environmental education and, therefore, school work.

Behind them, made his speech Rosa Maria Pujol "the jewel in the crown" as presented by their peers in the table. It made clear that talk of Agenda 21 school is talking about change. Transformations based on three ideas: New Ethics, New Thought and New Action.
This concept of New Ethics mean we should stop seeing the world in our hands for seeing us the world, part of it. This requires that we accept the diversity in our schools, get involved in the culture of negotiation, inclusion and not exclusion, of collaboration and interdependence.

The New Thought , stop seeing the world as a picture to see it as a story, for which we have a temporal view, ie keep in mind that to get where we have gone through a series of things and the situation in which we differ, as will be happening other, something that can be worked from any curriculum of Natural Sciences. We also have a vision to scale (micro-macro), a systematic approach that allows us to see the synergies arising from the union of their parts, have a dialogical view, work skills (LOE) and there are actions behind, focus the study on phenomena and processes not in elements and building models. For all of them is essential to work with an open and dynamic curriculum, which aim to provide students with the tools to make decisions and not just simply to transmit knowledge.

Finally, to carry out the transformation is necessary New Action, stop seeing the world passively and actively participate in the change. Necessary changes in institutions, becoming connected institutions and action.

With these three changes we get to make the great transformation going to feel, think and act to feel, think and act.

Christian González Mérida
Beatriz Raposo Faidiel

How To Stretch Welded Steel Fence

What are ESCOs? Energy Service Companies and Efficiency Plan for Public Administration buildings. (GT-16)

The main objective was the commitment by Member States to reduce consumption by 2020 primary energy by 20%. However, there are still many barriers to adoption effective measures to achieve this.

IDEA (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy)

Each person in your user's daily life is more than one building. We started our own home and the workplace, but we are also users of other buildings, such as providing education services, health, cultural, etc. In each of them to serve different needs such as heating, cooling, availability of hot water, ventilation, lighting, cooking, washing, food storage, office, etc., It consumes energy. Well, it represents the sum of in Spain on 20% of final energy consumption, a figure that tends also to increase.

This particular action is currently in the development of concrete measures to identify the "2005-2007 Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Strategy for Spain", for the construction sector and residential and office equipment, more than 10,000 public buildings included.

In this sense, the main directions of present and future actions are proposed by the Directive 2002/91/EC on energy efficiency in buildings and Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use efficiency of energy and energy services.


-Obligation in the procurement of energy efficiency.

"That all electronic equipment to be effective.

"In the contests, the judges look primarily to the company's energy efficiency.

-Wealth Management.

-Energy Management, the creation of the Energy Manager, which coordinates the Ministry building stock.


-Information and user training.

-Developing a Management Platform, historical consumption inventories, audits, how much we have ....

330 and 2000 Plan which aims ESEs :

-In 2016, 330 buildings save 20%.

-Stimulating the market for energy services

-Actions in buildings with more than 30,000 square meters, such as airports, military bases .. etc..

There are lines of support for the contest finalists, returning 15% administration and investment of premiums between 5000-7000 euros. Furthermore, the plan develops 4 features:

-Power Supply

Energy Management

-Maintenance of facilities



Spain has a large potential savings and need to refocus more integral

ANESE, the National Association of Energy Service Companies
main objective is to ALL size companies that are able to participate in the market.
There are numerous barriers to such companies:

"They have to act as financial, also in charge of all investment prior to installation.

"The economic inputs come from energy savings.

-lack of good techniques to assess the SAMs

This association offers a number of measures to be incorporated to achieve the ultimate objectives :

energy audit, data collection, visual inspections, breakdown of the invoices of fluid power, power measurement (many buildings have partial meters), load-curve time and simulation programs.


-Energy audits

-assessment tools.

-EVO Assessment Protocol.


hiring Ways to Energy Services. The law applicable to such contracts is the Law 30/2007, but not all public bodies can apply this law.

Constraints: content, are legally and service contracts in addition to its regulatory nature.

There are two types of contracts:

-Hybrid contract services and supplies (which is normally used)

-Contract collaborative public-private sector, this contract is new and an exception when the other formulas the rule does not adapt to what the administration wants.

Noel García Márquez.

Thermocol And Styrafoam

current situation and future trends in biomass. (GT-24)

The objective of this working group focuses on providing a current overview of biomass in Spain and raise a number of challenges for the future.

By way of introduction we can ensure that the biomass are at a disadvantage compared to other renewable energy sources and that society is an unknown power that is exported due to lack of use.

There are two types of biomass, the forestry and agriculture, but we can also obtain energy crops.

Why to use biomass? There are three main reasons: obligation, price and national interest.

20% of energy should be renewable, depending on the commitment for 2020 that is reflected in the EC Directive 28/2009. Another commitment that we will face this year will get 10% CO2 reduction in diffuse sectors. Directive 28/2009 establishes a set of objectives. Biomass accounts for more than 40% of renewable energy in Europe, other African countries to reach the objectives spend 49% (Sweden). However, non-fossil energy use in residential places in our country must be at least 29%.

Biomass energy is a highly competitive, this is because the price of wood has doubled and the price of gas oil is twice that of the bulk pellet, and it can compete economically with natural gas.

is a national resource and Spain need to work. It has a wide range of use as seen in the forest inventory (conducted between 1992-2003). You can ensure raw material currently star is the olive pit, but exported and burned in Britain and Belgium. Other notable sources of biomass are the almond shell, hazelnut and grape vine.

subsequently an analysis of case studies :

· Network
heating in Oviedo: savings of 120,000 € per year. Boilers have been installed 2 MW.

heat · Network Ultzama (Navarra): jobs are generated with the facility to municipal buildings. There is a biogas plant, pellet plant and cogeneration of 1 MW. In summer pellet boilers are used for larger energy savings.

· Plant pellet in Tineo (Asturias): You generate 55 jobs.

· Manufactured in Austria, was made about 700 boilers per year, generating 200 jobs and invoiced € 65 million per year.

· Plant Miajadas Electric (Extremadura): 120 jobs. This is the first plant biomass mixed together on this at the same point.

· Gussing Biorefinery and industry in Austria: 1100 jobs were generated, it is a clear example of recovery from depressed rural areas. There is a biogas and biodiesel prices remain stable.

combustion · Center Vattenfall in Denmark: Savings in CO2 emissions.

· Biogas for electricity in Requena (Valencia): 499 KW. It is the first plant of its kind in Spain.

The last part presents some conclusions :

• Promoting biomass in the PER 2011-2020.

· Comply the objectives outlined in the report 20-20-20.

• Increase the area under management plans.

· Suitable for improved management of forests left.

* Most of our country's forest area is subject to private ownership.

• Study of environmental effects and the intensive use can be harmful.

• Generates jobs.

* New crop alternative.

• Development of forest energy crops.

Do not produce net CO2 emissions.

• Lack of knowledge and poor promotion of chips and pellets.

• Study supply to avoid potential conflicts with the raw material.

· I + D + I.

· The biofuels have similar benefits to fossil fuels.

Roberto Garrido Redondo
Javier García-Soldado Flox

Shaking In Elderly Dogs

Chance of Forest Biomass in Spain: the importance of energy crops. (SD-35)

Organizers: Ence.

Biomass is defined as all organic matter originated in a biological process, spontaneous or induced, can be used as an energy source. This application is the protagonist in this session.
is a natural process that helps to forest development and combat climate change. Distinguish different sources of biomass depending on the activity (forestry, agricultural and industrial) and the production system (waste and energy crops).
bet is proposed by this model and sustainable energy, numbering the following benefits:
* Environmental benefits :
  • Reducing emissions of CO2.
  • sustainable management of forest residues.
  • Reducing soil erosion and abandonment.
  • fire risk reduction.
* Benefits socioeconomic :
  • Fulfilling the objectives of the EU.
  • New job. Also in rural areas.
  • Help to lower energy imports.
  • Reducing costs by fire.
Note that this is a stable energy and progestin. Also in Spain, enjoy optimal weather conditions for their development, bringing a chance that many countries do not have.
cuatificar is important that the generation of 1 MW biomass power up to 20 jobs are proporionan (by 0.2 or 0.4 of wind and solar, respectively), and the planting and cultivation 250 ha of irrigated land.
In Spain the species used in the harvesting in forest plantations are poplars and eucalyptus.
Alvaro Alfonso García

What Is The Cost Of Hrt

The role of environmental education in the global-local relationship. The case of climate change. (ST-11)

I ntroduce and moderated by: Felipe González Velázquez de Castro. Association Environmental Education English

conceptual framework
Climate change is the main problem within the environmental framework. Most worrying is the rapid interval that occurs and its persistence.

The ecosystem approach to global-local relations
The environmental crisis has been triggered by the implementation of two non-systemic logic amplifier: the logic of the machine and the immediate profit or market. Both produce a logical drive in exploiting lawless nature and people. It is therefore necessary to rescue a systemic approach to ally with the logic of life, working between the economic, ecological and ethical, between local and global, and between productivity and happiness. Thus, should promote the development of strategies to promote two key features out of the environmental crisis resistance and resilience.

social perception: The Problem of Climate Change
study was developed in 2008 to see the evolution of the social representations of climate change in English society. The same was repeated in 2010, showing that the problem has lost relevance and presence in English society, believing that it exists and attributing it mainly to human activity, but not temporally and spatially locate. In addition, citizens recognize the lack of information, especially in policy responses and combine erroneous beliefs and misconceptions about the causes of change.

Presentation of experiences of good practices on Climate Change

The educational system
have been many educational entities have approached the study of change Climate designed tools to address climate change training from the classroom and at different educational levels. Thus, there are formal education programs for elementary and high school as: KiotoEduca (Junta de Andalucía), Climántica (Xunta de Galicia), Actúaconenergía (Government of Aragon), and the Canvi climatic EduCC (Generalitat de Catalunya) and different experiences at the university: Universities for Climate, sectoral Commission CRUE (CADEP) and new curricula.

In the area of \u200b\u200bcities
The city has an educational role, so if it includes actions focused on sustainability, citizenship adjust their values. On the other hand, speaks of Educating Cities Network for Sustainability, a thematic network created under the European Network and shows how varied the city to educate the public. There are a number of experiences of which mention the Integrated Management of Environmental Education in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSustainable Mobility (bicycle) in San Sebastian, waste management (domestic oil) in Hospitalet de Llobregat and Environmental Education Resource Consistent in Pozuelo de Alarcón.

At the household level
Households may be conceived as strategic spaces for climate change towards a low carbon culture.
The Green Homes program is to move the barriers that hinder the passage of the sensitivity of responsible behavior.
In conclusion, environmental education is everyone's job. And not only has to address the students but the entire society.

In the field of business
is an area with negative connotations. You have to face environmental challenges and prevention chemical risk. An important fact is that companies have tools to reduce by 80% impact and that there are keys to good practice as the European eco-labeling, using the latest technologies available, the systematic application that is ecodesign , inform consumers and to transfer the benefit to the customer.

In the field of media
is important the contribution of the media to sensitize the public. There are holes for the environment both on television specific radio, publishing magazines.
If individuals are aware of governments and corporations respond.
We must live simply so that others may simply live.

Sandra Ortiz Catalan
Laura Marqués López

Poptropica For Mordred's P

adaptation plans to climate change. (ST-21)

The exposure of different plans on climate change was discussed by different entities, is specifically involved four participants: Ernesto Rodriguez (belonging to the State Agency Meteorology), Pedro Arrojo (Professor, Department of Economic Analysis), Efren Feliu (responsible for TECNALIA) and Jose Amado (Director of Quality and Environment).

Following the deployment of ideas of controllers, three more people entered the debate: Antonio Palau (Manager of ENDESA), Leandro Sequeiros (belonging to the concierge of the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía) and Francesc Giro (director of Acciónatura). The moderator of the debate was John Ortega (researcher at the University Carlos III).

In a first mode, all emphasize the need first to prevent gas concentrations Today in the atmosphere continue to rise. A second action would be awareness and education to citizens of the current situation in order to adapt to the changes to be carried in the way of life and be effective with these measures to climate change.

From AEMET create different models from which you can perform various projections (with a high degree of uncertainty) to approximate what might happen in the future in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe country, highlighting the regionalized climate scenarios.

Professor Arrojo, alludes to the importance of regional and local studies, so that they can analyze factors as hazard, vulnerability and adaptation to a particular place.

A pattern of activities that can be carried out by different companies, to be kinder to the environment are such as those made by MIGUEL TORRES, SA: a reduction plan by reducing energy consumption (with tubs antioxidants), investment in renewable energy (solar thermal and wind power), efficient water use (reuse 15%), decrease the weight of the glass bottle (provided from 540 to 320 gr), forest improvement plans plots adjacent to the company, etc.

The rest of the speakers will enter the same terms of these three controllers. In conclusion of this session should be emphasized that we need to know that in nature nothing is measured with fixed values, humans should avoid increasing the atmospheric gases that accelerate climate change through a new education. It is not only mitigate but adapt to the change in nature.

José María Gómez del Cerro

Maria Elena Mayor Berzal

How You Should Look At 21 Weeks

future of urban water services in Spain. (GT-8)

The various speakers who participated in this working group have put forward a clear and concise conclusions and opinions about urban water services in Spain. The working group has considered various sections are as follows:

- Climate Change: Natural disasters related to water see the example of floods or droughts cause millions of casualties. In the case of Spain is estimated reduction in water intake between 5% and 14%, so that effective water management is of paramount importance.

- Governance and management: Water management should be approached from a state agreement between the major political forces should manage water from surplus basins to those that are deficient, there is no single solution, there mixed solutions (transfer, desalination ...). There are differences between the cost of water and the final price paid by consumers at the moment the consumer does not pay the total amount of household water service. Water management by business / management must be comprehensive and should be approached as a strategic element for the state.

- relationship networks: networks of interaction between society and those involved in water management are very important to improve water management. You need to connect with society to raise the issues related to water management, so you can ease tensions arising from a possible increase in the price of the service. An example would be surveys, online portals and social networks. Have stressed the importance of knowledge management within companies and administrations that manage the water like a company more capital.

- Innovation: Innovation as in other areas is essential to develop new technologies and methodologies capable of providing a quality service at the lowest possible cost, and all this in a way that is sustainable over time from the point of environmentally. For this we must identify the present and future needs, so that the company is able to take advantage of future opportunities.

- Energy efficiency: Water use is closely related to energy consumption. Given the current situation in which power generation is an environmental challenge, should take appropriate measures to ensure effective management of water from the energy standpoint.

Hernangómez Ruben Pardo.

Psp Beastiality Movies

The 'Meeting Points': from 10 to Rio +20 Conama also benefited from the continued involvement of 2 ACA volunteers during 5 days of Congress

During the 5 days of Congress other than ACA volunteers have been working actively in the Booth "Meeting Points", where in addition to having a good time, people could say, listen and discuss in a serious, but fun, on various issues related to sustainability in the face of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 2012, Rio +20.

The tenth National Congress of the Environment, which had as its motto "Now more than ever ', ended with a ceremony in which has given a file with findings to a representative of Brazil, which will forward to the future leaders of Earth Summit 2012: Rio +20.
These findings are the result of the points meeting organized at the conference to gather feedback from all attendees through small sets of 15-20 minutes. This information has been delivered at the closing to Vicente Andreu, director-president of the National Water Agency (ANA) of Brazil, which is committed in to have come personally to the Minister of Environment of this country Izabella Teixeira, to become part of the agenda for Rio +20.

For meeting points have been over 1,500 people between 22 and 26 in November which also discussed as a majority, 70%, the other to lead the change towards sustainability should society ahead of the national or local governments.

Pathology Report Stomach Polyp

How to use social networks to act on the environment (GT -7) (Nature)

The group's goal was to generate knowledge on the use of social networks in the field of environment. Since it was a new form of communication on which there are few references, we have sought to share experiences and information with other entities and individuals to advance in the management of social networks in their applications, while helping to join them to more people.

This working group is active in various social networks, especially Facebook, with the Nature Group. Through the contributions have been made in the same two documents have been developed that then we present: a very short and to sum up with 10 ideas that try to serve as a basic guide for people who want to join social networks, a more developed trying to guide people experiments and approaches the matter in greater depth, with a special interest in environmental applications.

To download the pdf document click here .

Nature addition, the group does not end with CONAMA, but will remain open as a venue to continue to generate knowledge on the use of social networks in the field of environment.

Nature Link to the Facebook group:

Photography from the audience. We had 3 hours
-time and did not move any of his seat.

La Jornada carried out under the CONAMA 10 was a success, with the room packed from beginning to end, and getting be "Trending Topic" or Topic of the Moment on Twitter wide Spain (only behind Madrid, Barcelona and Catalan elections).

This demonstrates the interest of the use of this great tool that social networks are for the field of environment.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Soundbanks For Reason Blocspot

The environment in the provision of professional services (AE-1)

The activity was a round table with five papers and a brief discussion with questions afterward. Organized by the UP.

The panel was chaired by D. Francisco A. Feijó President and chaired by D. WUP Carlos Carnicer UP president and vice president of the WUP

The first speech by Mr fu ea Francisco A. Feijó president of the World Union of Liberal Professions whose origin coincides with the country called on CONAMA 10, Brazil.

gave a general overview of the importance of Environment for a nation like Brazil, "Natural resources and biodiversity are the root of our people." He also mentioned the great importance and responsibility of the companies in their protection and care, for it emphasized the generation of new studies and directed the environmental professions that have been generated in Brazil and the vital role of professional associations in this regard.

Finally, I highlight the wide range of environmental legislation crucial for an emerging country and with so much natural wealth such as Brazil.

The following speech was given by Mrs Sauquillo President of the Council of Consumers and Users. In his speech to affirm that the CCU as a representative body is present in many forums, observatories and associations as well as in the preparation of reports and opinions in many areas. Make the task of informing and raising awareness among consumers in the environment such as: rational use of energy, water consumption, recycling .... Since they are aware of the lack of training and information and the use of misleading advertising. "Only a fool confuses value and price" A. Machado.

Raquel Millán specialist liability insurance Marsh Environmental detailing the role of the Omnibus RD 1000/2010, Law 17/2009 and RD umbrella Environmental Liability Act 2090/2008. In establishing accountability for professionals working in the field that affects the environment. Just as in the provision of financial guarantees to companies specified in Annex III of the Law 2090/2008. Although not mandatory for now does not remove the responsibility assigned. Also described the coverage offered by insurers in the environmental and the Brazilian situation in this field.

As representatives of the UP Edelmiro Rua Luis Suarez and highlighted the incredible progress green jobs in recent times. Not so much the creation of new employment and the transformation and adaptation of existing ones. Giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heterogeneity of environmental professionals in sectors such as renewable energy, energy saving, waste and water treatment, and future areas of expansion of the sector to capture CO2, green cars, conservation of biodiversity. And covering many fields and activities is very important training continues.

defended the idea of \u200b\u200bsustainability based on three pillars: economic, social and environmental. And its integration in the design and development of projects. "No need to correct the impacts generated by a performance but prevent designing projects that take into account all aspects of sustainability from the outset. "

To end the round table discussed a number of issues outlined below.

It raised the issue of recycling in the engineering actions that have the infrastructure. Was resolved by the intervention of Edelmiro Rua which mentioned the recycling of some materials, but also reflect the difficulty due to chemical reactions suffering some materials after use.

Another issue raised by the public was the role of professional associations in the environment and the problem of the lack of an Association of Environmentalists statewide. The response of the speakers as the Association of Environmentalists was that his absence is the lack of initiative of people who claim it. And because it would be impossible to create a professional association for each university degree.

Regarding the role of professional environmentalists noted the role of disclosure and their environmental information.

Por ultimo otro de los problemas tratados en el debate fue el de la concienciación de la sociedad para conseguir un consumo integral sostenible. Francisca Sauquillo incidió en la falta de información del consumidor, Raquel Millán ene la importancia de la responsabilidad de las empresas y el resto de ponentes en el papel divulgativo de los Colegios Profesionales. Suárez insistió en la formación continua de los profesionales.

How Much Does It Cost To Resize Leather Jacket

Biodiversity Loss. Responsibility and solutions (GT-12)

La pérdida de especies, tanto de animales como de plantas, se ha producido numerosas veces a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, desde el siglo XVI, la expansión cultural, la introducción de técnicas agrícolas and technological progress in general, have resulted in environmental changes (eg climate change), in addition to the disturbances, the introduction of alien species or the vulnerability of species. All this adversely affects biological diversity, promoting the loss of species at rates much higher.

Biodiversity loss has consequences for their own species and ecosystems as it can cause the loss of functionality / services from them.

Climate change is affecting the diversity of species around el mundo, especialmente a algunas especies de aves migratorias. Este tipo de aves son desplazadas de sus rutas por perturbaciones, como por ejemplo tormentas, lo que hace que se encuentren en lugares equivocados e intenten sobrevivir allí donde llegan. 

Otra de las causas importantes de este problema, es la introducción de especies exóticas invasoras (EEI). Estas especies son siempre introducidas por el hombre, y suponen un agente de cambio y amenaza para la biodiversidad nativa. 

Hay que tener en cuenta, que no todas las especies exóticas que se transportan sobreviven, no todas las que consiguen llegar se asientan, y no todas las que are based are invasive, may even be beneficial. But the invaders are a big impact, affecting genes, individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Moreover, the introduction of IAS causes economic losses in the attempt of its prevention or mitigation of those already introduced. We estimate a loss of 12,000 million euros a year, or what is, 24,000 euros a minute. They also have health consequences, such as aggressive or agents acting as disease vectors.

In Spain, although progress has been made in the fight against the ERA, there remains a lack of development of policies prevention.

Trying the issue from a geographic standpoint, we must bear in mind that Spain is considered one of the major countries in the Europe of biodiversity. Only in the Mediterranean region there are about 25,000 plant species only, ie four times the number of endemic species in Europe, according to the IUCN, and in the Southeast Regional Park (Madrid), is the greater number of species described in Europe. However, it is noteworthy that the lack of action and regional or municipal concern causes many species are endangered promoted by the widespread lack of inventory on the species found at the national, regional and municipal levels.

With the above indicate that the measures include: conducting complete catalogs of animal and plant biodiversity at bulletin, the subsequent identification of the conservation status of communities, populations and species management and prevention.

Laura Alvarez Ledo

Erica Nicholas Santana

Kates Playgorund Wiki

Environmental Responsibility (ST-25)

Accountability Act Environmental 26/2007 transposes into English law Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on environmental liability with regard to the prevention, repair and prevent environmental damage. Directive 2004/35/EC establishing a framework for environmental liability based on the principle "polluter pays".

In general the objective of the Act is to strengthen prevention mechanisms to prevent accidents with harmful consequences to repair the environment and from economic activities.

This new law seeks to operators who carry activities that may cause damages to the environment to be responsible for personal injury and damage to third parties, damage to property, public entities, the financial damages or rights of individuals and environmental damage.

Its main features are : covers protection from damage or threats to strictly natural resources, forced to return the damaged natural resource to its original state regardless of the economic value amounting to repair, no financial compensation only prevention, avoidance and repair, as Annex III identifies an extensive list of activities receiving tougher treatment and a number of additional duties to attend to.

Likewise, the activities found in Annex III should be mandatory financial security that will address environmental responsibility, ensuring sufficient funds to meet the costs of prevention, avoidance and repair of environmental damage. This financial guarantee is proposed by the operator and sets the corresponding Autonomous Community, but their coverage will never exceed 20,000,000 euros.

Operators who are susceptible to activities that can cause environmental damage should make environmental risk analysis to define both the potential and magnitude of potential environmental impacts. In addition the operator shall submit the environmental risk analysis to a verification procedure of finding at least be compliance with the UNE 150008, traceability of data, and ensuring that the models, tools and techniques have an appreciation internationally.

To evaluate risk scenarios have provided a range of instruments:

1. LOOK (Models Environmental Hazards Report Type): professional sectors or groups of homogeneous activity from the environmental point of view associated with these highly dangerous

2. TABLES OF SCALES: Fields and small and medium enterprises for its high homogeneity from the environmental point of view allows the standardization of risk.

3. METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES: Sectors that the heterogeneity of the activities makes it impractical to use a LOOK.

conducted studies show that application of the Act affected operators affects their own benefit, because the implementation of a good management system for preventing environmental damage prevents the costs of repairs that could lead to accident, negligence or human error, as long as studies indicate, more expensive.

be noted that operators still risk activities on the environment such as they are in doubt which is the best tool for risk analysis, they are either not included in the activities listed in Annex III, which methodology to follow, etc.

In short, we can conclude by saying that the purpose of this Act is the prevention and remedying of environmental damage is borne by the operators of the activity and not by government and / or affected.

Erica Nicholas Santana

Clara Luque.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Home Does Scorpio Man Flirts

30 presentations anniversary we will celebrate our First Anniversary

"Muses Lunfardo" celebrates first year since it opened with several presentations. The 2nd and 9th December at 22 hrs. return to Om Bar in Manuel Pagola 3219, where we released a year ago. On Saturday December 4 we leave for Maldonado, where we will present in local Asjupema at 18 hrs.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Light Blue Trojan Condom Length


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pr Internships With Island Def Jam

Vallekas Vallecas waste concentration (25 November)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reactions To Kenalog Facet Joint Injections

Save Vallekas Radio! Next Fiesta

This comes from RVK:

"endangered Vallekas Radio! I were a whale After almost 25 years working one of the largest neighborhoods in Europe, Radio Vallekas is close to extinction, and with it a kind of radio close, open and plural will disappear from the air you breathe. Faced with the new Audiovisual Law adopted by the government and almost total restriction of subsidies from the Community and the City of Madrid only ask one thing: treat us which endangered whales. In order to avoid this impending end we decided to give some cuantoscoletazos. During this year we are organizing a series of concerts, parties, concerts and the release of a disc to raise the necessary funds to keep afloat. "