Monday, November 29, 2010

Pathology Report Stomach Polyp

How to use social networks to act on the environment (GT -7) (Nature)

The group's goal was to generate knowledge on the use of social networks in the field of environment. Since it was a new form of communication on which there are few references, we have sought to share experiences and information with other entities and individuals to advance in the management of social networks in their applications, while helping to join them to more people.

This working group is active in various social networks, especially Facebook, with the Nature Group. Through the contributions have been made in the same two documents have been developed that then we present: a very short and to sum up with 10 ideas that try to serve as a basic guide for people who want to join social networks, a more developed trying to guide people experiments and approaches the matter in greater depth, with a special interest in environmental applications.

To download the pdf document click here .

Nature addition, the group does not end with CONAMA, but will remain open as a venue to continue to generate knowledge on the use of social networks in the field of environment.

Nature Link to the Facebook group:

Photography from the audience. We had 3 hours
-time and did not move any of his seat.

La Jornada carried out under the CONAMA 10 was a success, with the room packed from beginning to end, and getting be "Trending Topic" or Topic of the Moment on Twitter wide Spain (only behind Madrid, Barcelona and Catalan elections).

This demonstrates the interest of the use of this great tool that social networks are for the field of environment.


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