Monday, November 29, 2010

What Is The Cost Of Hrt

The role of environmental education in the global-local relationship. The case of climate change. (ST-11)

I ntroduce and moderated by: Felipe González Velázquez de Castro. Association Environmental Education English

conceptual framework
Climate change is the main problem within the environmental framework. Most worrying is the rapid interval that occurs and its persistence.

The ecosystem approach to global-local relations
The environmental crisis has been triggered by the implementation of two non-systemic logic amplifier: the logic of the machine and the immediate profit or market. Both produce a logical drive in exploiting lawless nature and people. It is therefore necessary to rescue a systemic approach to ally with the logic of life, working between the economic, ecological and ethical, between local and global, and between productivity and happiness. Thus, should promote the development of strategies to promote two key features out of the environmental crisis resistance and resilience.

social perception: The Problem of Climate Change
study was developed in 2008 to see the evolution of the social representations of climate change in English society. The same was repeated in 2010, showing that the problem has lost relevance and presence in English society, believing that it exists and attributing it mainly to human activity, but not temporally and spatially locate. In addition, citizens recognize the lack of information, especially in policy responses and combine erroneous beliefs and misconceptions about the causes of change.

Presentation of experiences of good practices on Climate Change

The educational system
have been many educational entities have approached the study of change Climate designed tools to address climate change training from the classroom and at different educational levels. Thus, there are formal education programs for elementary and high school as: KiotoEduca (Junta de Andalucía), Climántica (Xunta de Galicia), Actúaconenergía (Government of Aragon), and the Canvi climatic EduCC (Generalitat de Catalunya) and different experiences at the university: Universities for Climate, sectoral Commission CRUE (CADEP) and new curricula.

In the area of \u200b\u200bcities
The city has an educational role, so if it includes actions focused on sustainability, citizenship adjust their values. On the other hand, speaks of Educating Cities Network for Sustainability, a thematic network created under the European Network and shows how varied the city to educate the public. There are a number of experiences of which mention the Integrated Management of Environmental Education in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSustainable Mobility (bicycle) in San Sebastian, waste management (domestic oil) in Hospitalet de Llobregat and Environmental Education Resource Consistent in Pozuelo de Alarcón.

At the household level
Households may be conceived as strategic spaces for climate change towards a low carbon culture.
The Green Homes program is to move the barriers that hinder the passage of the sensitivity of responsible behavior.
In conclusion, environmental education is everyone's job. And not only has to address the students but the entire society.

In the field of business
is an area with negative connotations. You have to face environmental challenges and prevention chemical risk. An important fact is that companies have tools to reduce by 80% impact and that there are keys to good practice as the European eco-labeling, using the latest technologies available, the systematic application that is ecodesign , inform consumers and to transfer the benefit to the customer.

In the field of media
is important the contribution of the media to sensitize the public. There are holes for the environment both on television specific radio, publishing magazines.
If individuals are aware of governments and corporations respond.
We must live simply so that others may simply live.

Sandra Ortiz Catalan
Laura Marqués López


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