La pérdida de especies, tanto de animales como de plantas, se ha producido numerosas veces a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, desde el siglo XVI, la expansión cultural, la introducción de técnicas agrícolas and technological progress in general, have resulted in environmental changes (eg climate change), in addition to the disturbances, the introduction of alien species or the vulnerability of species. All this adversely affects biological diversity, promoting the loss of species at rates much higher.
Biodiversity loss has consequences for their own species and ecosystems as it can cause the loss of functionality / services from them.
Climate change is affecting the diversity of species around el mundo, especialmente a algunas especies de aves migratorias. Este tipo de aves son desplazadas de sus rutas por perturbaciones, como por ejemplo tormentas, lo que hace que se encuentren en lugares equivocados e intenten sobrevivir allí donde llegan.
Otra de las causas importantes de este problema, es la introducción de especies exóticas invasoras (EEI). Estas especies son siempre introducidas por el hombre, y suponen un agente de cambio y amenaza para la biodiversidad nativa.
Hay que tener en cuenta, que no todas las especies exóticas que se transportan sobreviven, no todas las que consiguen llegar se asientan, y no todas las que are based are invasive, may even be beneficial. But the invaders are a big impact, affecting genes, individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Moreover, the introduction of IAS causes economic losses in the attempt of its prevention or mitigation of those already introduced. We estimate a loss of 12,000 million euros a year, or what is, 24,000 euros a minute. They also have health consequences, such as aggressive or agents acting as disease vectors.
In Spain, although progress has been made in the fight against the ERA, there remains a lack of development of policies prevention.
Trying the issue from a geographic standpoint, we must bear in mind that Spain is considered one of the major countries in the Europe of biodiversity. Only in the Mediterranean region there are about 25,000 plant species only, ie four times the number of endemic species in Europe, according to the IUCN, and in the Southeast Regional Park (Madrid), is the greater number of species described in Europe. However, it is noteworthy that the lack of action and regional or municipal concern causes many species are endangered promoted by the widespread lack of inventory on the species found at the national, regional and municipal levels.
With the above indicate that the measures include: conducting complete catalogs of animal and plant biodiversity at bulletin, the subsequent identification of the conservation status of communities, populations and species management and prevention.
Laura Alvarez Ledo
Erica Nicholas Santana
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