Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Would A Rack And Pinon Break

35 performances of "Muses Lunfardo"

We made our 35th. presentation, which held at the Civic Center Parque del Plata, the ultimo. Friday 25 February. We thank the people of the Municipality and in particular the Mayor of Parque del Plata for the care given.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Illegal === C.p. ==== Best!

Write Rebecca Reynaud

What first grasp of a person when just met? ... Some will say "your eyes," another, "his dress" another: "His corporeality." The answer may be more appropriate expression.

more primitive attitude is referred to the outer layer of the person, his body, but no less problematic. The second layer is constituted by the nature of this individuality, there is more depth in it, but have not yet reached the heart of the person. Love is the direct guidance to the spiritual person to be loved, as something unique. Here the person is the center of the other two layers, but it does not look much on what the person has a good image and good character, but what that person is.
Sociologists say that in large cities, people just have something in common. Nobody is externalized. All protect their privacy. When a person is externalized in place and in due time, began to enrich themselves. One way is to look externalized, another smile. Smile at another person is to say "I like you", "I accept you as a person."
media and advertising put a tremendous emphasis on the value of the person considering only their physical appearance. This results in a misconception of their own power of attraction, causing by this that many women develop unrealistic and erroneous ideas about their value.

Many people are dedicated exclusively to nurture what is going to die: the body, and carefree living to nourish the spirit through cultural readings and pray. Souls are invalid, spiritually undernourished. Today sees a humanity rendered to the external image, which idolizes the flesh and the material world, which seeks in vain to fill the deep void caused by the absence of God. Then live in a sea of \u200b\u200bdesires and anxieties that become ill. Personal and global wars are not resolved because the vehicle is not justice but hatred. There are those who seek to resolve their grief creating pain in others.

Enemy Love is pornography because it promotes sexual promiscuity, marital infidelity, sexual deviance, violence, and thus, unhappiness and guilt. Social Studies prove that pornography is progressive, ie the person wants more and harder stuff. Then you can turn into addiction, also pornographic material impact for the reader or viewer begins to see human beings as objects of pleasure, rather than see him as a person.

pornography does more damage than a wound in the body. With pornography is lost masculine tenderness that is what the woman like, "affectivity is eroded, it loses its human face. But it is still making jokes about sex. We are experiencing an unprecedented era porn.


Words and pictures can not only approach the mystery of personhood. The symbol used in medicine to designate the male is a circle with an arrow pointing right, a sign that the old appointed to Mars. It compares man with an arrow, his interest is directed more outward. The symbol of women is a mirror with a handle in a cross, a sign that corresponds to the planet Venus. We like to compare a woman with a mirror for the woman he loves, and reflects the love you receive and the happiness of being a woman.

She has a secondary sexuality, the male has a sudden sexuality, that is, is more vulnerable. Sometimes she says:
- "I'm going away for a few months, my husband is behaving well and good, so nothing happens."
- "Therefore, it is very good, I can download" - you might say.

The woman has a soul concentric, and wants to find support in the male. For a woman, love is everything. For the male love is a chapter, although there are exceptions.

men and women are different. Viva la difference!, The French say. Ovid says that the woman goes to the theater not to see, but to see it. Almost all the external image is important to us and we forget that there is also an inwardness to cultivate.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Refillable Canned Air Duster

What are the key to love in the marriage last?

When you turn 50 years of marriage my grandparents, I remember there was a big family party, with thanksgiving Mass and then dinner and music. And despite his seventy-odd years, they danced much of the night. I find it impossible to forget their faces of happiness, joy, from the afternoon, when photographs were taken by themselves, then with their children and finally with its numerous grandchildren.
Several weeks later, each on their own, commented:
- Do you know why I want both your grandmother?
"Because, first of all, was the great love of my life. In addition, it has always been "soldiering" responsible for the upbringing of your ten guys and your mom. He was always aware of them: to feed, clothe, to be cared for if anyone is sick ...
For her part, she I said:
"Your grandfather was a hard worker. We had tough economic times but always managed to bring up his large family. Many thanks for your love, but also his father's strength and perseverance to educate everyone from help with homework, ways of being molded the character of each where they had to improve. Then, guide them to select either girlfriends, friends and boyfriends. And finally, a good grandfather, it continues to counsel and providing financial aid to your aunts, and some can not afford the college expenses of your cousins \u200b\u200b...
I think that this family story, we can reflect on the three elements together in love in marriage. And they are:
First donation. To love is to give the good of the spouse and children. But occasionally, but every day. As the rancher said: "Come rain or shine."
Because many times I realized that after a long day of work as a farmer and businessman, my grandfather came home exhausted late in the afternoon. However, at that time he began to help my uncle, listening to my grandmother, to resolve domestic issues, to make arrangements personally materials, to correct an uncle or grandchild who had to improve on a particular point.
More than once had to sign to send to bed at my grandmother if she was with some mild discomfort or illness, and he took care of the situation at home, relying on the older daughters.
The second element is to appreciate the virtues of the other spouse. It also means wanting the husband or wife with his qualities and defects, if not offend God.
- If you knew what good food Sonoran prepare your grandmother! Not the best restaurant ...! "I told my grandfather proud. But he liked to speak loudly so that all the grandchildren we found out.
To which my grandmother invariably responded with modesty and simplicity
- Oh, Alexis, and you're starting! It is my duty to mother ...
The third element that unites in love is the connection or need each other.
When my grandfather was stabilized in their business and my uncles were married, they were able to travel through several countries. He invariably told me: "I
without my wife Rosita, I'm not going anywhere. She is my best travel companion. We are always together. Share experiences, laugh with funny stories that happen to us, we take pictures at tourist spots and then we put together albums for you to see. We really enjoy what happens to us, being always together ... Just
in the complementarity between spouses is the path of mutual happiness because, in addition, children and grandchildren will sense, what they sense, even without words.
believe that, without doubt, the best legacy for the descendants is not money or material goods, but the treasure of a couple who want to be forgiving, always seeking to be united and together will solve the difficulties that life presents. This example is an unforgettable testament to the children and grandchildren.
In short, love in marriage is the approach: the true and total surrender, to appreciate the virtues of the other spouse and additional mutual aid.
As aptly wrote the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "To love is to look in the same direction."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cheap Eye Exams In Dallas

The day I met Pope John Paul II

When news spread that Pope John Paul II would be beatified next first of May, I came away the memory of his first trip to Mexico in January 1979. It was at the Colegio Miguel Angel de la Colonia Florida (Federal District) when I met him.
That winter morning, met thousands of kids with their parents and teachers to await the arrival of the Holy Father to School. I remember wearing deep blue sky and there was a party atmosphere. I was in a crowd.
Children carried banners with various legends, such as: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord," "You are Peter" ...
After a long wait, came in the Roman Pontiff and calmly and smiling, waved to the small . Then he climbed onto a balcony with his entourage and the school authorities. You will then be officially welcomed.
All wore on as planned, but when school rondalla Michelangelo Pope sang the popular song by Brazilian composer Roberto Carlos, "friends," said the Pope made comments which were with to him and his face reflected a great joy.
As had been given a folder containing the lyrics of this song in both English and Italian, to everyone's surprise, the end of the melody, John Paul II said (with difficulty, because they have not dominated the Castilian) he had touched this song and read some verses: "You are my soul mate, really the friend, that in any way and time are always with me (...) I remember we had a difficult time together, and you did not change by strong they were the winds. Is your heart an open house, you are really the true uncertain hours .... "
We talked about the value of friendship and how important it was to be really friendly in spite of adversity. The lyrics of that song was very beautiful and very grateful to the children of the rondalla that it had sung.
Whereupon, the school principal asked the band to return to play the same song and Pope followed with particular attention and taste.
Meanwhile, thousands of people wanted to go to school and there was no quota. So they packed the streets outside and the "popemobile" could not move back to the then Apostolic Delegation, which was within walking distance car. Then he asked a helicopter to land on the basketball courts. But to realize this operation, had to do several tests on the makeshift helipad.
Thus, the Pope spent more time than anticipated in this school. After I sang other songs and spoke a few brief speeches by students and teachers, he was invited to the Roman Pontiff to a snack.
A priest friend was with him in a private room with other clergy and executives. He told me later that they had just spend pleasant. He said he had called struck by the simplicity and naturally he had the Pope in his treatment. The Holy Father asked a lot about our country and Mexican customs.
Time to board the helicopter. When the Pope was heading towards him, my friend Mike and I got closer to greet us. We both knees, calculating the path where she was going to happen, and we took our respective rosaries.
something unexpected happened. As it was closer to us, Miguel began to mourn for the emotion "as Magdalena." I did prepare a few words to say to John Paul II, but my friend caught the mood and I felt a lump in my throat. Thought, was the first time I was in front of a pope! I could only look at him and ask his blessing. The smiling pope, providing that showed him my rosary, I just said
- Well, well!
blessed my rosary, I made a gesture paternal affection, with his hand on my head and then went and did the same with Michael. Then my friend was crying more intensely.
From this visit, the official song of the first trip of the Holy Father was very "Friend." The television and radio stations the repeated every day and every hour, when commenting on various news and anecdotes of the Pope's stay in our country. I remember I wrote
usually in "El Heraldo de Mexico." Jerome cartoonist, as a summary of that unforgettable papal visit was a carton where the Pope was sitting on the plane back to Rome, smiling, and one of the bags of white coat, had put the picture of the territory national and the headline: "He threw the bag into Mexico."
Next came other pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II to our country, but that first trip, I think that had a particular resonance that faith and hope we injected both Mexicans needed after spending decades in the harsh social, political and economic. And the theme to left a legacy and work, was that moving a sentence spoken in the Cathedral: "Mexico ever faithful!".

33 Weeks Pregnant With Very Sore Abs

Why promotes hatred against the Catholic Church in Spain? Health and friendship

quite some years ago, when he went to Spain and there was talk of General Francisco Franco, referred to the "Leader" or "General." The last time I asked for a long time for this political figure and some friends told me:
"Be careful, because now I can not speak openly of him in Spain, now is" unspeakable. "
Like all heads of government, Franco was right and wrong, wise decisions and mistakes. That's the human condition. But something that we should recognize is that the Catholic Church helped to develop numerous educational activities and social assistance to the State simply can not reach.
now with Zapatero's socialist government, as well as the country has led to unemployment and near economic collapse, has removed much of the aid to educational institutions or to help care for the mere fact of being officially Catholic .
Even the English President of the PSOE, for years, has applied to be re-analyze everything that happened, from a historical perspective, during the Civil War English (1936-1939), in order to open old wounds and focus on batteries, among other things, to promote a renewed hatred of Catholicism in the Iberian Peninsula. What
pursued Rodriguez Zapatero and his socialist followers? Discredit the Catholic Church and bring it as the cause of nearly all evils in the history of Spain and well-put-unfairly labels "reactionary," "obscurantist", "medieval" ...
got a set of data We can shed light on the impressive work of the Church in Spain without any state aid:
1. Centers is 5.141 990.774 teaching students. The state will save 3 million per center per year.
2. There are 107 hospitals serving the English and save the State € 50 million per hospital per year.
3. 1.004 There are nursing homes, handicapped centers, medical clinics, AIDS hospice, ambulatory care centers and a total of 51.312 beds. Save the State 4 million annually per site.
4. The Foundation "Caritas" gives the year 155 million euros to help the needy and that money comes from the generosity of the English Catholics.
5. The Foundation "Manos Unidas" provides 43 million euros annually to this cause and also comes from the pockets of the faithful.
6. There are 21 millions of euros, annual spending "Pontifical Mission Societies (Mission Sunday) and also comes from the pockets of the English people.
7. There are 365 rehabilitation centers for social outcasts and former prostitutes, ex-prisoners, former drug users. In total there are 53.140 people and with their attention to the state save half a million euros per center.
8. 10.835 There are 937 orphanages with abandoned children and save the State € 100,000 per site.
9. To make matters worse, 80% of the cost of upkeep and maintenance of historical and artistic heritage (churches, convents, abbeys, paintings, sculptures, etc.) run by the Church and calculated an estimated savings to the State of between 32.000 and 36.000 million euros a year.
To all this, we should add that almost all of the people working in "Caritas", "Manos Unidas", etc. are thousands and thousands of volunteers-women and men who do not receive any salary. It is Catholic citizens who provide selfless service to others without asking for a salary.
is no doubt that these millions of euros that the Catholic Church gets the benefit of the population, help and support directly to the English economy. But unfortunately I mentioned this is "not news" broadcast is not given in many media.
The Church is often criticized harshly for various reasons but do not talk about all the wonderful work being done by priests, nuns, missionaries, millions of lay faithful for the good of English society and the world.
And if we leave the country by country, continent by continent, and we add also the objective data, surely astound us all the good that makes the Catholic Church for the benefit of mankind, and that, considering only the social work care that takes place.
think we should add, for elementary justice, when the task quietly but very effectively carried out by Catholics around the world, as are the works of mercy that provide millions of faithful, including: caring for the sick, assisting the homeless, feed the are unemployed and hungry, visit those in prison, listen and comfort the afflicted, give advice to those who need guidance and training to those who know, pray for the living and the dead ... This is simply unquantifiable.
And this work also has been making the church over 21 centuries without interruption and without making "excessive noise" because they are done for the love of God.
No doubt Rodriguez Zapatero will go down in history as one of many rulers or dictators, like Hitler's Germany, Stalin in Russia, Calles in Mexico, tried to discredit the Catholic Church, promoting hate and even kill her, but could do nothing because it was founded through Jesus Christ and know that last as long as there are men on earth, until the end of time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Does Sinus Rinse Hurt?

Rebecca Reynaud

A lecturer, head of the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford, spoke of the connection between stress and disease. He began by saying that one of the healthiest things for a man was married to a woman. And for women, one of the healthiest things was to have friends and strengthen their friendships.
Everyone laughed, but he said he was serious.
women explained that each person connected with the most diverse ways, and provides support systems to help manage stress and difficulties of life. This quality of women helping others to create serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps fight depression and create a state of being. Women tend to share their feelings, while men are more cerebral and builds relationships for the activity, but rarely talks about what he feels. The man talks about work, study and hobbies, but rarely feelings habla. En cambio, las mujeres siempre hablan de ellos.

Nosotros, explicaba, compartimos lo que hay dentro con nuestras hermanas o con nuestra madre, y, evidentemente eso es bueno para la salud. Compartir lo que se piensa con un varón es también importante para la salud general, pero casi siempre se encuentran para trabajar o para practicar algún deporte. Los varones pensamos que cuando hacemos ejercicio estamos fortaleciendo el cuerpo, y es verdad, pero también lo fortalecemos cuando salimos con amigos.

En resumen, dijo el conferencista, la capacidad de hacer y mantener amistades ayuda a la salud, y no tener amigos es tan peligroso para la salud como el vicio de fumar o tomar. Por tanto, concluyó, inviertan time in their friendships.
Brain regains contact with nature
What comes next apparently has nothing to do with this, but in fact connected, he speaks of maintaining a "friendly" with nature, but also to have more health body and soul. Four neuroscientists
friends went to weekend with their families in a rural place in Utah. His goal, in addition to rest, was to discuss the impact of technology on the brain: see how it influences the digital in our way of reasoning and behaving, and how contact with nature can make some effects reversible. See that cell phones and computers are transforming life by enabling people to leave their offices and work anywhere, shorter distances and perform many tasks. For better or worse the consumption of media as diverse as electronic mail and television, has skyrocketed.
Paul Atchley, 40, is a professor at the University of Kansas, who studies the compulsive use of cell phones in adolescents. Says that the frequent use of technology can inhibit deep thinking and cause anxiety, however, contact with nature can help regulate the human mind. Art Kramer, 57, is a professor at the University of Illinois, and has gained the attention of many with his studies of neurological benefits that achieved through the exercise. Kramer is the most prominent of the five newly appointed director of the Beckman Institute, a research center at the University of Illinois. Affirms that the exercise creates new neurons. It further recommends that, to delay Alzheimer's symptoms, you should exercise at least three times a week, 30 minutes, and then stimulated to maintain mental activity, for example, reading books and discussing them. Braver
scientist says he is shown to learn better after a walk through green spaces, a walk along a crowded street. The David Strayer, the organizer of Utah professor of military psychology, argues que la naturaleza puede “refrescar” el cerebro. “Nuestros sentidos cambian, se calibran. Notas sonidos como esos grillos que cantan, el sonido del río, de los pájaros, del viento; con el olor del bosque; te conectas con el ambiente físico. El río fluye, y las ideas también. Todo esto restaura al ser humano”.
Paul Atchley dice que la naturaleza ha clarificado sus ideas y que ahora puede comprender nuevas formas para entender por qué los adolescentes se involucran en situaciones que pueden suponer peligro, como manejar a alta velocidad. Quizás su adicción a la estimulación digital conduce a hacer decisiones superficiales y a tener un pensamiento débil. Steven Yantis, de John Hopkins, ensures that the conversation with his colleagues, at night, in the light of the stars, gave him new ideas for research on how and why people are distracted by irrelevant sources of information, and how technology is "rewiring our brain. " Technology can reduce the ability to concentrate, said Yantis.
The modern study of the attention came in 1980 with the spread of machines to observe changes in the bloodstream and brain electrical activity. But newer machines have allowed them to see the parts of the brain that come into play when there is change of activity, or when are paying attention to a movie or music. "The email appears to be taking over our working memory," said Yantis.
Mr. Braver, Washington University in St. Louis, said that this weekend near the forest has been more effective than working days in hotels in the city, with hundreds of people participating. (See Current Concerns Swiss newspaper, "Outdoor and disconnected, studying the brain", September 2010).