Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Refillable Canned Air Duster

What are the key to love in the marriage last?

When you turn 50 years of marriage my grandparents, I remember there was a big family party, with thanksgiving Mass and then dinner and music. And despite his seventy-odd years, they danced much of the night. I find it impossible to forget their faces of happiness, joy, from the afternoon, when photographs were taken by themselves, then with their children and finally with its numerous grandchildren.
Several weeks later, each on their own, commented:
- Do you know why I want both your grandmother?
"Because, first of all, was the great love of my life. In addition, it has always been "soldiering" responsible for the upbringing of your ten guys and your mom. He was always aware of them: to feed, clothe, to be cared for if anyone is sick ...
For her part, she I said:
"Your grandfather was a hard worker. We had tough economic times but always managed to bring up his large family. Many thanks for your love, but also his father's strength and perseverance to educate everyone from help with homework, ways of being molded the character of each where they had to improve. Then, guide them to select either girlfriends, friends and boyfriends. And finally, a good grandfather, it continues to counsel and providing financial aid to your aunts, and some can not afford the college expenses of your cousins \u200b\u200b...
I think that this family story, we can reflect on the three elements together in love in marriage. And they are:
First donation. To love is to give the good of the spouse and children. But occasionally, but every day. As the rancher said: "Come rain or shine."
Because many times I realized that after a long day of work as a farmer and businessman, my grandfather came home exhausted late in the afternoon. However, at that time he began to help my uncle, listening to my grandmother, to resolve domestic issues, to make arrangements personally materials, to correct an uncle or grandchild who had to improve on a particular point.
More than once had to sign to send to bed at my grandmother if she was with some mild discomfort or illness, and he took care of the situation at home, relying on the older daughters.
The second element is to appreciate the virtues of the other spouse. It also means wanting the husband or wife with his qualities and defects, if not offend God.
- If you knew what good food Sonoran prepare your grandmother! Not the best restaurant ...! "I told my grandfather proud. But he liked to speak loudly so that all the grandchildren we found out.
To which my grandmother invariably responded with modesty and simplicity
- Oh, Alexis, and you're starting! It is my duty to mother ...
The third element that unites in love is the connection or need each other.
When my grandfather was stabilized in their business and my uncles were married, they were able to travel through several countries. He invariably told me: "I
without my wife Rosita, I'm not going anywhere. She is my best travel companion. We are always together. Share experiences, laugh with funny stories that happen to us, we take pictures at tourist spots and then we put together albums for you to see. We really enjoy what happens to us, being always together ... Just
in the complementarity between spouses is the path of mutual happiness because, in addition, children and grandchildren will sense, what they sense, even without words.
believe that, without doubt, the best legacy for the descendants is not money or material goods, but the treasure of a couple who want to be forgiving, always seeking to be united and together will solve the difficulties that life presents. This example is an unforgettable testament to the children and grandchildren.
In short, love in marriage is the approach: the true and total surrender, to appreciate the virtues of the other spouse and additional mutual aid.
As aptly wrote the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "To love is to look in the same direction."


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