Write Rebecca Reynaud
What first grasp of a person when just met? ... Some will say "your eyes," another, "his dress" another: "His corporeality." The answer may be more appropriate expression.
more primitive attitude is referred to the outer layer of the person, his body, but no less problematic. The second layer is constituted by the nature of this individuality, there is more depth in it, but have not yet reached the heart of the person. Love is the direct guidance to the spiritual person to be loved, as something unique. Here the person is the center of the other two layers, but it does not look much on what the person has a good image and good character, but what that person is.
Sociologists say that in large cities, people just have something in common. Nobody is externalized. All protect their privacy. When a person is externalized in place and in due time, began to enrich themselves. One way is to look externalized, another smile. Smile at another person is to say "I like you", "I accept you as a person."
media and advertising put a tremendous emphasis on the value of the person considering only their physical appearance. This results in a misconception of their own power of attraction, causing by this that many women develop unrealistic and erroneous ideas about their value.
Many people are dedicated exclusively to nurture what is going to die: the body, and carefree living to nourish the spirit through cultural readings and pray. Souls are invalid, spiritually undernourished. Today sees a humanity rendered to the external image, which idolizes the flesh and the material world, which seeks in vain to fill the deep void caused by the absence of God. Then live in a sea of \u200b\u200bdesires and anxieties that become ill. Personal and global wars are not resolved because the vehicle is not justice but hatred. There are those who seek to resolve their grief creating pain in others.
Enemy Love is pornography because it promotes sexual promiscuity, marital infidelity, sexual deviance, violence, and thus, unhappiness and guilt. Social Studies prove that pornography is progressive, ie the person wants more and harder stuff. Then you can turn into addiction, also pornographic material impact for the reader or viewer begins to see human beings as objects of pleasure, rather than see him as a person.
pornography does more damage than a wound in the body. With pornography is lost masculine tenderness that is what the woman like, "affectivity is eroded, it loses its human face. But it is still making jokes about sex. We are experiencing an unprecedented era porn.
Words and pictures can not only approach the mystery of personhood. The symbol used in medicine to designate the male is a circle with an arrow pointing right, a sign that the old appointed to Mars. It compares man with an arrow, his interest is directed more outward. The symbol of women is a mirror with a handle in a cross, a sign that corresponds to the planet Venus. We like to compare a woman with a mirror for the woman he loves, and reflects the love you receive and the happiness of being a woman.
She has a secondary sexuality, the male has a sudden sexuality, that is, is more vulnerable. Sometimes she says:
- "I'm going away for a few months, my husband is behaving well and good, so nothing happens."
- "Therefore, it is very good, I can download" - you might say.
The woman has a soul concentric, and wants to find support in the male. For a woman, love is everything. For the male love is a chapter, although there are exceptions.
men and women are different. Viva la difference!, The French say. Ovid says that the woman goes to the theater not to see, but to see it. Almost all the external image is important to us and we forget that there is also an inwardness to cultivate.
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