Tuesday, February 8, 2011

33 Weeks Pregnant With Very Sore Abs

Why promotes hatred against the Catholic Church in Spain? Health and friendship

quite some years ago, when he went to Spain and there was talk of General Francisco Franco, referred to the "Leader" or "General." The last time I asked for a long time for this political figure and some friends told me:
"Be careful, because now I can not speak openly of him in Spain, now is" unspeakable. "
Like all heads of government, Franco was right and wrong, wise decisions and mistakes. That's the human condition. But something that we should recognize is that the Catholic Church helped to develop numerous educational activities and social assistance to the State simply can not reach.
now with Zapatero's socialist government, as well as the country has led to unemployment and near economic collapse, has removed much of the aid to educational institutions or to help care for the mere fact of being officially Catholic .
Even the English President of the PSOE, for years, has applied to be re-analyze everything that happened, from a historical perspective, during the Civil War English (1936-1939), in order to open old wounds and focus on batteries, among other things, to promote a renewed hatred of Catholicism in the Iberian Peninsula. What
pursued Rodriguez Zapatero and his socialist followers? Discredit the Catholic Church and bring it as the cause of nearly all evils in the history of Spain and well-put-unfairly labels "reactionary," "obscurantist", "medieval" ...
got a set of data We can shed light on the impressive work of the Church in Spain without any state aid:
1. Centers is 5.141 990.774 teaching students. The state will save 3 million per center per year.
2. There are 107 hospitals serving the English and save the State € 50 million per hospital per year.
3. 1.004 There are nursing homes, handicapped centers, medical clinics, AIDS hospice, ambulatory care centers and a total of 51.312 beds. Save the State 4 million annually per site.
4. The Foundation "Caritas" gives the year 155 million euros to help the needy and that money comes from the generosity of the English Catholics.
5. The Foundation "Manos Unidas" provides 43 million euros annually to this cause and also comes from the pockets of the faithful.
6. There are 21 millions of euros, annual spending "Pontifical Mission Societies (Mission Sunday) and also comes from the pockets of the English people.
7. There are 365 rehabilitation centers for social outcasts and former prostitutes, ex-prisoners, former drug users. In total there are 53.140 people and with their attention to the state save half a million euros per center.
8. 10.835 There are 937 orphanages with abandoned children and save the State € 100,000 per site.
9. To make matters worse, 80% of the cost of upkeep and maintenance of historical and artistic heritage (churches, convents, abbeys, paintings, sculptures, etc.) run by the Church and calculated an estimated savings to the State of between 32.000 and 36.000 million euros a year.
To all this, we should add that almost all of the people working in "Caritas", "Manos Unidas", etc. are thousands and thousands of volunteers-women and men who do not receive any salary. It is Catholic citizens who provide selfless service to others without asking for a salary.
is no doubt that these millions of euros that the Catholic Church gets the benefit of the population, help and support directly to the English economy. But unfortunately I mentioned this is "not news" broadcast is not given in many media.
The Church is often criticized harshly for various reasons but do not talk about all the wonderful work being done by priests, nuns, missionaries, millions of lay faithful for the good of English society and the world.
And if we leave the country by country, continent by continent, and we add also the objective data, surely astound us all the good that makes the Catholic Church for the benefit of mankind, and that, considering only the social work care that takes place.
think we should add, for elementary justice, when the task quietly but very effectively carried out by Catholics around the world, as are the works of mercy that provide millions of faithful, including: caring for the sick, assisting the homeless, feed the are unemployed and hungry, visit those in prison, listen and comfort the afflicted, give advice to those who need guidance and training to those who know, pray for the living and the dead ... This is simply unquantifiable.
And this work also has been making the church over 21 centuries without interruption and without making "excessive noise" because they are done for the love of God.
No doubt Rodriguez Zapatero will go down in history as one of many rulers or dictators, like Hitler's Germany, Stalin in Russia, Calles in Mexico, tried to discredit the Catholic Church, promoting hate and even kill her, but could do nothing because it was founded through Jesus Christ and know that last as long as there are men on earth, until the end of time.


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